Out of memory - export display mesh as workaround?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3568.2 In reply to 3568.1 
Hi Micha, one thing you might try is to reduce the density for the display mesh so that it does not take up so much memory.

To do this, go to Options > View > Meshing parameters, and set "Mesh angle" to 25 degrees, and uncheck "Add detail to inflections".

That will make a coarser display mesh and help to reduce memory consumption.

If you have already done that, then you will probably need to do the export in some different pieces rather than doing it all in one go.

> * Could you add a hidden option so that MoI delete the
> internal display mesh during a mesh is exported? I try
> to find a way to save RAM, maybe it could help.

In v3 I'd like to experiment with some different approaches for handling display meshes.

Maybe one thing I could try would be to automatically discard display meshes when running out of RAM during export meshing.

> * Could you allow to export the displayed mesh?

I'm not sure if you would really want this mesh, as it is kind of messy with things such as T-junctures instead of having all matching vertices along joined edges like an export mesh.

I'm not sure how I would incorporate a special "export a messy mesh instead of a regular export mesh" option in the UI.

> And an other question - is there a script that help to select
> all tiny parts from a model for deleting?

Try setting up the following script on a shortcut key:

script: /* Select objects smaller than the given size */ var size = 1.0; var objs = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects(); for ( var i = 0; i < objs.length; ++i ) { var obj = objs.item(i); var bbox = obj.getBoundingBox(); if ( bbox.diagonalLength < size ) obj.selected = true; }

Then when you hit that key, it will select all objects that are smaller than 1 unit in size (by bounding box diagonal).

To adjust the size, edit the part that says size = 1.0 and change the 1.0 to whatever number that you want.

- Michael
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 From:  Micha
3568.3 In reply to 3568.2 
I used the display mesh option for getting a lower RAM usage but it dosn't help, but exporting in pieces is the way, I got my model meshed. Thank you. :)

"I'm not sure if you would really want this mesh, as it is kind of messy with things such as T-junctures instead of having all matching vertices along joined edges like an export mesh."

Better a quick bad mesh than nothing. ;) In my case I only need something complex that is visible as base frame. The important part is the upper part of the railroad engine and this is clean geometry.

Thank you for the script too - if I use it than I see at the left corner that 1653 surfaces are selected, but I can't see any highlighted object. Do you know why?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3568.4 In reply to 3568.3 
Hi Micha,

> Thank you for the script too - if I use it than I see at the
> left corner that 1653 surfaces are selected, but I can't see
> any highlighted object. Do you know why?

Well, are they are really small objects? If they're really small it may be hard to see them on the screen if each one is only taking up a couple of pixels for being displayed.

- Michael
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