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 From:  Enzo
3567.26 In reply to 3567.22 
No, no I wasn't complaining. I am not even surprised of the situation with the interface and everything else. There is no point to continue with this conversation since you can not detect the problem and obviously not taking seriously what I said.

>If you have some suggestions or ideas, it would really help a lot if you would make some images to describe them in a more concrete way rather than just making such vague statements.

My ideas or suggestions will not replace professional consultancy. Finally this is what these people sell for a living – ideas, concepts and strategies. At some point if you realize that aesthetic improvements could be important for MOI see if you could find someone you could trust and contract with him.

Annoying the visitors of this forum is the opposite of my intention so I will not reply further.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3567.27 In reply to 3567.26 
Hi Enzo,

> There is no point to continue with this conversation
> since you can not detect the problem and obviously
> not taking seriously what I said.

Well, I guess the only thing I can point out is that I'm not alone - see above for posts from other users who also do not detect the problem as well.

I can certainly understand something like "I prefer a different color scheme", but what you said was more like "the current color scheme hurts my eyes so much I cannot even use MoI", which is just so extremely far away from everyone else's experience that it is difficult to understand.

> My ideas or suggestions will not replace professional
> consultancy. Finally this is what these people sell for a living
> – ideas, concepts and strategies.

As I've already mentioned, that has already been done - the current color scheme is actually the result of collaborating with a professional UI consultant.

At some point in the future it may be possible to have a couple of different color choices, it would probably be the current one and a darker one and my guess from what you have described is that you would prefer a darker one, although it is hard for me to be sure what you want exactly since you have shown nothing concrete to help illustrate.

- Michael
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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3567.28 In reply to 3567.27 

If all the parts of the UI were floatable and rotatable------we would have a Brian UI potential and who then could complain!

He he!

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 From:  BurrMan
3567.29 In reply to 3567.26 
""""""""This is quite popular actually and it is one of the most important reasons for the mass skepticism when aesthetic issues are discussed.""""""""""""

What's going on for you is you are involved in this particular study "too heavily" and the idea of applied psychology to ANY particular field is made more significant by it's study than it actually is. Your teachers have been using NLP to have your belief inline with the practice. A few years down the road, adn after coming full circle, you may realize that the weight of the importance has been manifested by you.

It truley does not exist!
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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
3567.30 In reply to 3567.14 
>super professional gloomy gothic

lololol. he77, i like goth music but I dont dig the dark UI. If you do make one, I suggest calling it "Bela Lugosi Mode" (Bauhaus - Bela Lugosi's Dead). :P
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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
3567.31 In reply to 3567.14 
> Well, it's funny you mention that, because I did actually hire a interface professional very early on with MoI to help me design the color scheme

Phffftt! But there's Adobe Kuler. Er, well maybe Kuler wasnt around at that time. ;)
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 From:  OSTexo

Enzo, just so I am clear on this, you think it is a good idea for someone else to spend tens/hundreds of thousands of dollars on “specialists” based solely on a serious aesthetic “problem” that only you can see and are unwilling to share? Unless of course you know of “specialists” that are willing to work for 0 and will only be compensated in line with any sales specifically generated from such “improvements” per written contract? Yeah, didn’t think so.
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
"I can't be creative in my work if I am distracted unpleasantly by interface and what surrounds me in general."

I have to wonder, what NURBS drawing package you will end up being happy with? I'd seriously like to know.

There is no universal definition of aesthetics. That's why we have so many styles of automobiles, clothing, houses, etc.

Not all 3D drawing packages work the same or produce the same result. It's a tool. People generally pick the best tool for the job within their budget.

So, if you are distracted by the MoI UI to the extent you can't be creative, then which 3D drawing software will you choose?
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 From:  vinced
It`s somehow funny,

this thread has absolutely no value .....

but lots of posts ....

all of them on one day.

Are people just waiting and lurking for this kind of nonsense talk to come out of their hideout?

Oh damn i`ve just posted myself.... couldn`t resist....

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 From:  BurrMan
3567.35 In reply to 3567.34 
Actually Vince...Most of the posters are daily contributors the the forum...Do you come in much??? Lot's of valuable learning. Even for the original poster!! :o
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
MoI GUI is good!

Sorry, felt left out :S

Cheers, have a nice day all.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Kevin De Smet (KEV_BOY)
I could kind of see how one may find the interface a little kiddy, but to rant about it to this extent, no way.
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 From:  vinced
"Do you come in much???" - with and emphasized you?

Hey, you don`t feel offended by my post, do you? :)

But regarding your question:

More often then you think. But i am more a reader then a poster.

But see for yourself in which thread i did post and in which threads i didn`t.
I am a living example for consuming my time with stupid activity and as i can see i am not alone.
There are surely more valuable threads, but where is the traffic ???

If you feel that this thread is of much value to you, than i am sorry for what i`ve posted.

Don`t let the noise in my Head bother you :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
All right guys, kind of getting close to locking the thread, please don't break out into a bunch of side arguments.

- Michael
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 From:  olio
3567.41 In reply to 3567.40 
Wow, give Enzo a break
I don't usually comment here, but I see his point and must defend his attitude here.

Michael I am surprised you disregard his opinion, you say that Enzo is one of these pretentious artist types who think they know better, but reading your comments, I can easily turn it around as saying you sound like those pretentious engineer types, who disregard simple aesthetics rules as irrelevant in the big scheme of things.

Now all the time I am working in Moi, I am working on details, aesthetics, fine tuning each detail I have spent 7 years in school learning and practicing for 10 years.

Sure you can defend any aesthetics decision by saying its subjective, but there are believe it or not some rules, color schemes, layout, font use, icons color... for most part Moi has made it good. its 90% right but those 10 percent just irritate the hell out of me, and make this look like a 200 dollar software. Now let me emphasize these are details, easy to fix graphics.

Let me list some points:

Advantages of Moi GUI!

1. Moi UI is clean, simple and easy to use!
2. The color scheme is not the most important factor when talking about aesthetics. I personally find the color scheme nice, different and low key.

Attached is a screenshot and some notes what I see wrong with the interface layout.


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 From:  omac12
3567.42 In reply to 3567.41 
I was in opposition to Enzo. If you look back you will see that most of the opposition was due to his just voicing an opinion and never providing anything specific. You, on the other hand, have provided something that can actually be discussed and worked with. Without anything concrete- it's just personal, and for someone who believes in the software and uses it, that makes it hard to take from someone who doesn't use it and is merely finding fault with it.

I actually see what you're saying and for the most part agree with your changes. The part that I don't is the icon reduction to 80%. Maybe the other elements could be enlarged. I don't think you are taking into account screen size, screen resolution and, well, people like me who need things just a bit larger to see them. Reducing resolution to make an icon a little more visible takes away from modeling space.

Also, I haven't made any changes to my interface, but I'm pretty sure these changes can already be made, actually without any intervention at all from Michael. I also believe that was a point that was made. If you'd like I can bone up on MOI UI customization and make those changes for you?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3567.43 In reply to 3567.41 
About the crammed text : seems you have not regulated your Screen at the maximum! ;)

For the rest maybe some constraints exist between maximum "Work screen" and maximun place for text under the "work screen"

EDITED: 27 May 2010 by PILOU


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 From:  Dan (CORNYSH)
3567.44 In reply to 3567.41 
Yeah... but it's AESTHETICS right? It's not as if this damages functionality and prevents people from using it, which is what Enzo claims in the original post (well, maybe it prevents Enzo). The over-reaction lies with Enzo, not the other MoI users or Michael.

Pratically speaking, the problem with small changes like the ones you suggest is that "fixing" them in a certain way may satisfy YOU but is so subjective that it will probably simultaneously annoy someone else. I had never even noticed the blue arrow before, for example. This is trivial stuff. Even assuming that you are right and that the aesthetics need improving (and I personally disagree) Michael is only one man. There are only 24 hours in a day. He cannot do everything. There must be a prioritised "to do" list and I know I would prefer Michael to be working on something like functions for grouping objects rather than agonising over the exact shade of an arrow or the alignment of the browser button.

This thread is going nowhere. Time to lock it I think...

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 From:  TwinSnakes
It's called Moment of Inspiration for a reason. It's GUI is designed towards the simple goal of materializing your design. It's a dedicated, specialized workflow that puts the work area first and is complimented with a simplified context sensitive menu system that Michael has taken great care not to clutter when new features are added.

Tablet users are not second class citizens in the MOI user community. You can see the forethought and accommodations all throughout the GUI for tablet users. From the number keys that are visible for numerical input, to the default action system present in every feature of MOI.

If that's not enough, you can customize the look and feel of MOI to almost no end. Change the lighting? - no problem, Dont like the grid spacing? - change it then, Dont like the icons? - make and use your own, Want a dark theme? - you got it.

Now, can we get back to being production here folks?
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