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 From:  Michael Gibson
3540.3 In reply to 3540.1 
Hi eric, so using that script I was able to identify 3 different areas that had openings.

2 of those areas were able to be sealed by making a planar surface from the 4 edges of the hole, and the third area was a kind of "L" shaped hole, so I drew in a line to separate the L into 2 sections, then one side was able to be sealed with a plane and the other seemed to be not quite planar so I used Network there instead.

I've attached the result model which is now a solid.

I'll take a look at your fillet problem next.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
3540.4 In reply to 3540.1 
Hi eric,

There are several naked edges in the surface model.

Attached is the model as a solid, and a JPEG to show the naked edges.

Michael T.

Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3540.5 In reply to 3540.1 
Hi eric, so is this the edge that you are trying to fillet:

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is there, but it may be some kind of really small tangent deviation right at the close point of that closed loop.

Are you possibly making these circular surfaces using the Sweep command? For things that are perfectly circular try using Revolve instead, it will generate more precise circular geometry.

Anyway, you can use the surface/surface filleting method to build the fillet for this case even though the edge-based filleting fails.

To use surface/surface filleting, you need to break the pieces into 2 individual surfaces and then run fillet.

So to do that select these 2 faces:

Then run Edit > Separate once, which will break those 2 faces off of the main solid (but they are still connected to each other), and then run Edit > Separate a second time to break that piece apart into 2 totally individual surfaces.

Then you can run Fillet on those 2 surfaces and it is able to build a fillet there for you:

Then select all those pieces and use Edit > Join to glue everything back into a solid.

If you're stuck with following this part, just let me know what radius you would like to have there and I will make it for you.

- Michael

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3540.6 In reply to 3540.5 
Thank so much, Michael ... such a quick response.

I thought I might have to rebuild it from scratch.

I'll work on the fillet next ... I think I follow your suggestion.

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3540.7 In reply to 3540.5 
Hi Michael

and, yes, I did use 'sweep' and not 'revolve' for that configuration. I'll try 'revolve' next time.

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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3540.8 In reply to 3540.7 
Thanks again , Michael ...

It all worked like a charm ...

Thanks again for that quick and thorough response.

I hope I am learning a little as I go along. Mostly I can muddle through.

I am awaiting the documentation for V2 and already wanting to test the V3 betas.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3540.9 In reply to 3540.8 
Hi eric, no problem!

For v3 I think I have a good idea on what I can to do make a closed sweep like that be slightly better formed at the closure point, which will probably help with filleting.

Is this going to be another piece that you are going to have generated by Shapeways?

Have you done any other ones since your last batch that you posted about?

- Michael
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 From:  eric (ERICCLOUGH)
3540.10 In reply to 3540.9 
Hi Michael ...

Yes, I just ordered a couple of these from Shapeways. It is essentially the same one I did before but it is now 2 sided and has a bigger loop for a chain or other support.

I will probably change another one a little bit and may reorder it, too.

I have not done any new ones ... too busy with architectural work ... and planting the spring garden as well as setting up drip irrigation for the greenhouse.

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