a few questions
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 From:  rodney (RODNEY71)
I was remembering an image of a vintage looking microphone someone modeled in MOI and thinking it would be a lot easier to build the wire mesh windscreen on the mic if you could build it flat first and then deform the whole assembly of parts into a cylindrical form. some parts like this would be easier to break down into simple building blocks in a linear fashion and then modify later into a curved form. This might end up opening a whole world of possibilities with what people attempt to model in MOI as well. Just dreaming, and thanks for the education on Nurbs.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3532.6 In reply to 3532.5 
Hi rodney, yes I do want to work on making some deformation and bending type tools in MoI in the future. I think there is a good chance for this to happen in MoI v3.

For the time being if you want to do that kind of a thing you can make it happen by using Rhino in combination with MoI.

Copy/Paste your objects into Rhino, use the bending/warping tools (which were new for Rhino version 4.0) to alter the straight stuff into bent stuff, then Copy/Paste back into MoI.

In fact, if I remember right that microphone screen that you are referring to was actually made in this exact way by transfer to Rhino and back again.

- Michael
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