V2 beta May-5-2010 available now
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 From:  BurrMan
3519.3 In reply to 3519.2 
Hello Michael,
I've been propogating this setting in my ini file for a couple betas:


I'm not sure if this is a tick in the options, that only will be in the new ini when it is selected? Or if it is an antiquated setting that is no longer used? Perhaps from some custom "edit size" dialogue that I am no longer loading up.

Can you direct me to the options tick that is this setting? Or let me know it is antiquated so I can unload it from my ini propogation?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3519.4 In reply to 3519.3 
Hi Burr, the default for that setting is already to be =n , so you don't need to manually add that entry.

It should get added automatically to the .ini file with a value of =n when you exit MoI after you have used a command that has a switchable radius/diameter field in it, for example the Circle, Sphere, Cylinder, or Cone commands. When you run those commands if you look at the prompt that says "Radius:", you'll see there is a little cycler arrow on it:

What that means is you can click on that label to change from a "Pick Radius" prompt to a "Pick Diameter" prompt with a diameter value being shown and entered for that field instead of a radius.

If you want to make MoI default to using a Diameter prompt in all of those commands instead of the regular default Radius prompt, that's available by setting that moi.ini option to =y, under:


But if you want to have the default prompt be for a Radius, you do not need to manually copy that setting over since it will initialize to =n anyway when it appears in the .ini file.

This is only a setting in the moi.ini file and not hooked up to a checkbox in the options UI or anything like that currently.

- Michael

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 From:  Anis
3519.5 In reply to 3519.1 
Hi Michael....

>The v2 final is getting really very close now
Do you mean that the V2 documentation already done also....

We are waiting for the release....

Thanks :)
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3519.6 In reply to 3519.1 
Hi Michael,

>>Updated the scene remeshing in response to changing of the display mesh settings, to try and catch out of memory issues better.<<

This appears (on the model I posted the crash about) to be now OK when changing the mesh angle (certainly on the quick tests), however, I did forget to drop the mesh angle before loading and although MoI did not crash while loading, the "Styles" did not show once the model had loaded.
I did not check anything else, as I realized what I had done and exit/restarted and loaded model at lower mesh angle.

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3519.7 In reply to 3519.5 
Hi Anis,

> Do you mean that the V2 documentation already done also....

It's not totally done yet but it is getting very close, I only have 3 more topics to fill in for the command reference before that part is done.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3519.8 In reply to 3519.6 
Hi steve,

> however, I did forget to drop the mesh angle before
> loading and although MoI did not crash while loading,
> the "Styles" did not show once the model had loaded.

Yeah once you have run out of memory it is likely that all kinds of things will start behaving abnormally, since numerous functions require some amount of memory to be available to them in order to perform their job.

I guess that if a file load caused memory to be all consumed, I could delete everything that had been loaded so far to free up memory. Of course, the net result of that would be that instead of Styles not showing up, there would be nothing from the model at all showing up, so I'm not sure that is any better.

One idea that I have for the future is to try something like only make a rough display mesh with the initial load, and then after the load is complete have some background threads running that would calculate denser display meshes if there was plenty of memory available. Something like this would probably help when working with large models because the file load would complete faster and allow you to work on it as the denser display meshes were getting updated on the fly.

But running out of memory is a pretty tough area to handle well in general.

- Michael
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