Hi Michael and Neodreams,
In this case, it's probably more work than slicing out an end section and
joining everything back up as Michael suggests, but one way
to shorten the main body of a design like Neodream's
would be to scale the model as it existed prior to adding the button.
You could scale it 1D and then put the button back into the re-sized model.
This idea brings up a feature that I'd like to put on the wish list.
I'm in the habit of saving iterations of a model in progress, so that
if I do need to go back to a particular stage of construction, I can
import the version I need and make revisions. After the model is complete,
I delete the non-essential versions of it, keeping components that I can
sometimes use for other jewelry projects. Matrix has a "Job Bag" thing,
which is a folder system built-into their interface.
I just make regular folders for each job and if it's
a complicated piece, sub-folders to organize my work.
So what I'd like to add to the wish list is an Incremental Save option,
to rename the model automatically as in Rhino.
ex. Model,3dm, Model 001.3dm, Model 002.3dm, etc.
The main benefit for me is that I don't have to interrupt my
work flow to rename it manually. In Rhino, I can just hit Alt+F, C and it's done.
( sorry if I have I asked for this before, now that I mention it, it does seem familar :-)
BTW, would users of MoI be able to use a little program called Rhino Preview Image?
It enables you to see 3dm files as thumbnail images in IE, so that if you save a model
in a visible position in the viewport, (and you have thumbnails turned on in IE folder options)
it shows up as an image.
Here's a link to it, if anyone is interested. It's for free! :-)