No Key Shortcut...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.31 In reply to 35.30 
> For example if I make a translation in any language, can
> I put it on the Net for everybody user can use it, or you
> want keep a look (& Copyright) about "the design" result
> of the Ui?

Please feel free to post any modified UI files (anything in the \ui subdirectory) on the Net for other MoI users to use.

That doesn't mean it is not copyrighted though, that's a little different. This stuff is still copyrighted even though it is ok with me if you distribute them to other users.

> (so it's pure Html language :)

Yup, anything you can put in regular HTML (or I guess I should say Internet Explorer HTML) you can put in there. But as you have seen, a lot of the things in there are custom elements unique to MoI such as <moi:CommandButton>, etc...

If you want to see something really funny, go to CommandBar.htm and just below the <body>, put a <marquee> and just above the </body>, put a </marquee> and see what happens. :)

Maybe I should set it up like this by default? ;)

Anyway, as you can see there are a lot of possibilities for changing the UI quite substantially...

> Ps What is the version number of the IGES export format used in MoI?

5.1, I think.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
35.32 In reply to 35.31 
So with this "marquee"
Moi will can be also a terrific "Shoot Them Up game" !:D:D:D

Thx for the infos
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 From:  eph
Thanks for the quick reply michael :)
A compilation of above suggestions - this is what I currently use... :

[Shortcut Keys]
Delete = Delete
Space = script:var viewpanel = moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel; if ( viewpanel.mode == 'split') viewpanel.mode = '3d'; else viewpanel.mode = 'split';
F1 = script:moi.launchHelp();

A = Polyline
B = Box
C = Circle
D = BooleanDifference
E = Extrude
F = script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'front';
H = script:moi.geometryDatabase.hide();
I = BooleanIntersection
J = Join
L = Loft
O = Offset
Q = Showpoints
R = script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'right';
S = Scale
T = script:moi.ui.mainWindow.viewpanel.mode = 'top';
V = PlanarSrf
W = Move
X = Rectangle
Z = script:moi.view.resetAll();

Shift+A = Curve
Shift+B = Box3pts
Shift+C = Chamfer
Shift+D = Delete
Shift+E = Extend
Shift+F = Fillet
Shift+G = script:moi.drawingAids.gridSnap = !moi.drawingAids.gridSnap;
Shift+J = Separate
Shift+M = Mirror
Shift+O = script:moi.drawingAids.objectSnap = !moi.drawingAids.objectSnap;
Shift+Q = AddPoint
Shift+R = Rotate
Shift+S = script:moi.drawingAids.straightSnap = !moi.drawingAids.straightSnap;
Shift+T = Trim
Shift+V = Plane3pts
Shift+W = Copy
Shift+X = Rect3pts

Ctrl+A = script:moi.geometryDatabase.selectAll();
Ctrl+C = CopyClipboard
Ctrl+D = script:moi.geometryDatabase.deselectAll();
Ctrl+E = Export
Ctrl+I = script:moi.geometryDatabase.invertSelection();
Ctrl+N = New
Ctrl+O = Open
Ctrl+S = Save
Ctrl+V = Paste
Ctrl+X = Cut
Ctrl+Y = script:moi.command.redo();
Ctrl+Z = script:moi.command.undo();
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