No Key Shortcut...
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.2 In reply to 35.1 
It does exist, but you currently have to edit the moi.ini file.

Close down MoI, then open moi.ini in notepad or something, you can find it here: C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini . By default the standard ones for ctrl+s = save, etc are defined there and you can add your own there directly.

But don't edit the moi.ini file with MoI still open, because it will write out its current settings when it closes.

I guess I will probably try to do a proper interface for editing these at some point.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.3 In reply to 35.2 
Oh yeah, I forgot to say look for the [Shortcut Keys] section in the .ini

Your "Application Data" folder may be hidden, if you don't see it just type it in anyway to go inside of it.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
35.4 In reply to 35.3 

Ok for these

but for functions like "Extrude" or "Rotate" is it now possible to make a ShortCut? Simply R = Rotate ?
Sorry for my lacks on this domain :)

Hehe Seems Yes! I have try with R = Rotate, E=Extrude etc...That works , I am maybe a genious :D

PS A very cool free Editor is PsPad Multilanguages :)

EDITED: 30 Aug 2006 by PILOU

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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.5 In reply to 35.4 
Cool, I'm glad you figured it out!

I don't have a good list of all the command names right now, but if there is a button that you want to make a keyboard shortcut for, you can look in the UI files to find the button and the command name will be present there.

Say for instance you want to have a shortcut for the "Show pts" button. This one is not quite as simple as Extrude or Rotate, because the label on the UI button is not the same as the actual command name.

But if you go to your Program Files / MoI directory, there is a /ui sub directory in there. Go in there and open up SidePane.htm, there you will find the markup for the right-side panel of MoI. Go find "Show pts", and you will see this:

<td><moi:CommandButton style="icon:icons/ShowPointsIcon.png;" command="showpoints">Show pts</moi:CommandButton></td>

So what you're looking for is the command="" item, so in this case "showpoints".

There are a few commands where the text on the button has been abbreviated and doesn't exactly match the real command name like this.

By the way, if you want to rearrange parts of the UI, you can edit the UI files to remove or change where buttons are at. If you change the SidePane.htm file, for instance, you are changing the actual definition of the UI in MoI (it will be changed the next time you run it). You should probably save a backup before you mess around with it, though. :) The other major piece is CommandBar.htm for the bottom bar.

One other thing for keyboard shortcuts - as you found, you can use just the letter of a key for the key. You can use these names for special keys: UpArrow, DownArrow, LeftArrow, RightArrow, Home, End, PageUp, PageDown, Insert, Delete, Backspace, Space, F1, F2, ... F12. You should also be able to use prefixes of Ctrl+ or Shift+ or Alt+ in any combination (like Ctrl+Shift+A should work).

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.6 In reply to 35.5 
Oh yeah, you can change all the text labels in there to French if you want.. You may need to save it as a Unicode text file if you do that. I will eventually have a different way to change the text to different languages (with a string table), changing the UI directly won't work too well when I put out new beta versions, especially if I have done any changes to the UI. But you can give it a try if you want...

- Michael
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 From:  Grendel
I am trying to make key cuts for the tools and have followed aloong and I'm in the sidepane.html and found the ="booleans". What do I need to enter to assign it to a key(B)? Sorry, I'm not that familiar with HTML, a small pop up in the options tab would be great for non-tablet users to assign keys to the tools.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.8 In reply to 35.7 
> What do I need to enter to assign it to a key(B)?

Once you know the command name, you have to go to the moi.ini file to assign it to a key.

Make sure you shut down MoI first, then run notepad, and open moi.ini from C:\Documents and Settings\[your user name]\Application Data\Moi\moi.ini

This is the file that stores all of your configuration options for running MoI.

Find the section labeled [Shortcut Keys], and add a new line under it for your key assignment, for example:

[Shortcut Keys]

Save the file from notepad, and then when you start up MoI again those shortcut keys should be available. Make sure to remember to shut down MoI first before editing the file though.

Let me know if you have any problems getting this to work. If you can't find what the name of a particular command is, just go ahead and ask me.

There will eventually be something to set this under options, but it will probably be a little while before it is ready.

- Michael
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 From:  Grendel
Thanks Michael, that worked like a charm. I've attached a simple three step visual for others to look at if they want to do shortcuts if that is alright?

EDITED: 30 Aug 2006 by GRENDEL

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Bravo !
Very clear :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.11 In reply to 35.9 
> if that is alright?

Of course! Thank you very much, I appreciate it. Other people will benefit from your clear instructions.

- Michael
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 From:  black mariah (BLACK_MARIAH)
Awesome. But what's the command for "Reset All"? I can't find it, and that's something I use on a constant basis. So much so I want to put it on the friggin' spacebar.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.13 In reply to 35.12 
That one's a little different, it's not exactly a command because you can do it while another command is still running.

This will do it:

[Shortcut Keys]

That's basically a little script macro that will run when you push the space bar.

You've probably already seen this, but just to make sure - when you do the view reset the first time, it will go to the selected objects. If you want to go to all objects instead of just the selected ones, then do another reset immediately and it will switch to all objects.

- Michael
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 From:  black mariah (BLACK_MARIAH)
35.14 In reply to 35.13 
Awesome. Thanks for the help.
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 From:  Grendel
OK Michael, what would I need to enter to toggle each of the snaps to a key? :) Grid(on/off), Straight, and Object. I have made a list of all the commands so people won't go looking all over with their Icon, UI name and command name. I'll post the list so it will help with some of the same questions.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.16 In reply to 35.15 
Let's see, those ones also need one of those mini script macros. This will do it:

[Shortcut Keys]
G=script:moi.drawingAids.gridSnap = !moi.drawingAids.gridSnap;
O=script:moi.drawingAids.objectSnap = !moi.drawingAids.objectSnap;
S=script:moi.drawingAids.straightSnap = !moi.drawingAids.straightSnap;

Thanks for assembling the list!

- Michael
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 From:  Grendel
Here is a quick list for most of the tool names and commands you will need to setup keyboard shortcuts for MoI. Just read the above portion of the thread or the three step walk-thru above. Next to each icon is the function name and then the associated command name which is what you will need for defining your own shortcuts in the moi.ini file.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
35.18 In reply to 35.17 
And maybe also the Selection All, Deselect all, Inverse Selection will be nice on the list :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.19 In reply to 35.17 
Very cool Grendel, thank you!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
35.20 In reply to 35.18 
> And maybe also the Selection All, Deselect all, Inverse Selection will be nice on the list :)

Grendel's got them on Page #3 of his guide, here they are:

[Shortcut Keys]

- Michael
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