MOI3D to Octane Render Tutorial
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 From:  falcon76
3472.9 In reply to 3472.8 
Yes, is that.
And maybe the possibility to personalize the mouse buttons, I prefer to pan "pushing" the MMB.
But there is no hurry!

EDITED: 18 Apr 2010 by FALCON76

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 From:  PaQ
3472.10 In reply to 3472.9 
Hi Phil,

Thanks for taking the time to create this tutorial.
I'm following it to export and render a little turntable of one of my model right now with the new beta.

I'm wondering if any enhancement will be done into Octane regarding the vertex normal info coming from MoI,
or if things will stay in the actual state.

When reading the tutorial, it sounds like Octane actually manage this normal info :
- from the .pdf - : Check the "import per material smooth value" and "use OBJ vertex normals if supplied". This will allow Octane to use the high quality vertex normals.

If it means : Octane will use the vertex normal embeded in the .OBJ file to create a nice and accurate shading from you object : it's WRONG ...
As showed and discuss during days here and on the Octane forum, the vertex normal info is overwritted.

That's actually why you suggest to use the 'divide larger than' option in the tutorial to 'help' octane to deal with some surfaces ... if the vertex normal was rightly used, this
option would not be needed, at all.

If you do some research on MoI forum, especially about MoI to 3Dsmax 1 or 2 years ago, you will see that this 'divide larger than' is often used to deal with export into 3d software where this precious normal info is lost.

These are 'poor' workarounds, not solutions from my pov ...

... and advertising Octane as a 'Moi/Rhino ready render is not very fair.

Again, I support this render engine as much as I can, and I don't want to sound negative etc. ... but it's really frustrating that no one from the Octane team seems to understand the problem.
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 From:  PaQ
3472.11 In reply to 3472.10 

This is the Octane material test scene ... The irony here is that the model is build in MoI, it's not normal (sorry :P) to have a so bad dancing reflection result on this 33.000 triangles spheres.

EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  vodkamartini
3472.12 In reply to 3472.11 
Ewww. What do the devs say over in the octane forum? I confess to forming a certain.. opinion.. based on the earlier discusion that took place here, but I assumed progress was being made over in the beta forums. Are they saying this is working as intended or something?
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 From:  WillBellJr
Yeah, I'm still seeing artifacts as well despite the claimed efforts to correct them.

I agree with Michael, I don't believe smoothing groups is the answer...

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
"I'm still seeing artifacts as well despite the claimed efforts to correct them"

Same here. I just purchased Octane assuming this was fixed after Michael's lengthy dialog with Octane.

I know my MoI model is good because it renders smooth in KeyShot.

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 From:  PaQ
3472.15 In reply to 3472.14 
Hey guys, put some pressure on the MoI to Octane thread then,

I can't have a discussion with Radiance myself anymore, looks I'm a bad little duck, never happy, and without any respect for the work done.
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 From:  falcon76
3472.16 In reply to 3472.15 
"You are not authorised to read this forum."

I'm not yet a customer because before I need that the problem with Moi will be addressed.
All the world of render engine (in particular GPU based) seem overpressure.
For now I pass, waiting to see what happen between arion, octane, shot, iray ....

But it's reality that all the application on the market nowadays are full of bug (except moi), missing feature and workflow issue. It's not only octane, that at least is still a beta.....
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 From:  PaQ
3472.17 In reply to 3472.16 
Hi Falcon,

Yop, I don't blame Octane, at all. I can understand bugs, beta etc, no problem.
The problem here, it's to make them admit there is a bug, I've never seen something like that before.

Last note from Radiance :

"the only remainins 'shading artifacts' is the intersections on low poly geometry with direct sunlight,
which is'nt an artifact, it's just something that's natural, there is no physically correct solution to it."

Have you seen the reflection sphere above ? :P ... seriously ... I don't get it.

The day he will consider that indeed, there is something stange, we all win. Then if it takes 6 months to fix it, I don't care.
The main problem is that he has no clue of what this sphere should look I guess.
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 From:  Micha
3472.18 In reply to 3472.17 
"Last note from Radiance :

"the only remainins 'shading artifacts' is the intersections on low poly geometry with direct sunlight,
which is'nt an artifact, it's just something that's natural, there is no physically correct solution to it." "

I don't read the whole thread, but if I understand right ... so far I know it's a known general render technic problem. I can produce this kind of error per Vray too.

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 From:  PaQ
3472.19 In reply to 3472.18 
Make me wondering, maybe unbiased renderer can't deal with this 'special' normals surfaces ?

Will try to see if maxwell or fry can render them as expected ...
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 From:  candide
Hey Paq, can you post a picture how that sphere & reflections should look like if done correctly? I have a license for Octane and I'm willing to voice myself on the forums, but I don't know what I'm arguing about exactly :-)
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 From:  vodkamartini
Candide, check out the reflection of the cylindrical base at the bottom of the sphere.

I don't have access to the octane thread since I'm not a customer, but I definitely got the impression that Radiance had some walls up when presented with this issue in the earlier thread. I'm really disappointed to hear that they shut you out over there, Paq. You're one of the most respected members here and over in the modo forums, and I've never seen anything but helpful commentary from you.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
3472.22 In reply to 3472.15 
->I can't have a discussion with Radiance myself anymore, looks I'm a bad little duck, never happy, and without any respect for the work done.

I don't believe that's true, your input and knowledge is most appreciated.

I don't know much about polygon stuff, I just know something doesn't work!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.23 In reply to 3472.11 
There's also a simple test file available here:

That's a cylinder surface that is split into some slices. But the vertex normals on it come from the true cylinder NURBS surface, so creases or seams between the slices should not be apparent if those good normals are being used.

For example in Cinema4D importing the OBJ file from the zip file linked to above renders like this:

- Michael
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 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
3472.24 In reply to 3472.23 
Hi Michael

Just tried it both are faceted in Octane. For my understanding are the vertex normals in the .obj or in the .mtl file?

I hope this can be solved by the Octane crew. Thanks Michael for spending time on this as its not really your problem.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.25 In reply to 3472.24 
Hi Jamie, thanks for testing it.

> For my understanding are the vertex normals in
> the .obj or in the .mtl file?

They're in the .obj file - you can actually see them listed if you open the .obj file up in a text editor (try a text editor a bit more advanced than notepad, like notepad2 or notepad++), they're the "vn" entries that look like this:

vn 0.08659345 0.01440297 -0.99613961
vn 0.16999357 0.05883424 -0.98368731
vn 0.08664738 0.03098550 -0.99575706

When MoI exports an OBJ file, it puts the vertex normals from the smooth NURBS surface in there at the corners of each polygon that was created, so that when the polygon is rendered it can be shaded to closely resemble the original surface.

But if the stored vertex normals are not used and instead are just calculated by averaging the normals of adjacent polygon face normals together, it won't produce the same result.

- Michael
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 From:  Jamie (FUTUREPROOF)
3472.26 In reply to 3472.25 
Hi Michael

The attached cylinder from blender works fine in octane. Any ideas why. I noticed that the vn entries in the blender file are shorter six figures after the decimal MoIs have eight. I have no idea if and why that would make a difference.

It does seem that MoIs files are different somehow. They will look at it in the next beta but if you have any ideas that would be great.



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 From:  vodkamartini
3472.27 In reply to 3472.26 
Michael's cylinder is designed to test that the vertex normals are superseding any shading groups / face normal averaging. The side of his cylinder is divided into 20 slices (polygon islands), each with their own shading group. If the vertex normals were being respected, it wouldn't look faceted between the slices. It works fine in Max, Maya, C4d, etc. Even in the opengl/directx viewports.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.28 In reply to 3472.26 
Hi Jamie - sorry maybe I wasn't clear with that cylinder test - the object in that previous cylinder test was not a "default cylinder" created by MoI, it was a test file set up similar to a model made up of multiple surfaces.

I made it by cutting a default cylinder into several different segments.

It's just an easy way to see what will happen on a more complex model made up of multiple surfaces that are joined together instead of just one big surface.

Probably your Blender one is just a default cylinder created in Blender? It most likely has not been cut up into different pieces, that's why there is a difference.

But there is also a pretty big difference between a polygon model that is created in a poly modeling program like Blender versus one that is generated from NURBS surfaces in a CAD program like MoI.

In a poly modeler you never actually have a "true" cylinder shape at all, it's all set up to work with polygons only and may use things like smoothing groups to separate polygons into different clusters that should have a kind of "fake smoothing" applied to them.

In a CAD program like MoI on the other hand, when you create a cylinder it is an actual cylinder spline surface. In a CAD program there isn't any "smoothing group" mechanism being used, things will look smooth if the actual NURBS surfaces are smooth, and creased if the NURBS surfaces are creased.

In that cylinder test file, the different NURBS surfaces are completely smooth to one another, so they are supposed to look smooth when rendered as well, despite them being in separate pieces. That's because the vertex normals in the file are supposed to be used for shading rather than just cooking up normals from the polygon faces.

> It does seem that MoIs files are different somehow.

It's not just MoI - it's stuff that is generated from any CAD program rather than a polygon modeling program.

CAD programs expect for a rendering program to use the vertex normals in the file to shade the objects, and not smoothing groups - smoothing groups should only be used for stuff coming from a poly modeling program and not a CAD program.

Note that in that same .zip file I also had an OBJ file saved from Rhino in addition to MoI - I thought you said that the Rhino file also showed the same segmented appearance problem in Octane as well?

EDIT: vodkamartini has described it more simply above as well.

- Michael


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