MOI3D to Octane Render Tutorial
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 From:  WillBellJr
Looks like Thea is the way to go with MoI... :-P

I'll give the demo a gander.


PS - Paq, that Car render (crinkles and all) with the wood attached at the back was hilarious!

Radiance should had understood that we're all just trying to make his product the best it can be - Michael was very helpful explaining how NURBS exports data, and how it should be properly used by a rendering app.

I hope Radiance takes a deep breath and reconsiders his stance on this - we're here to help him succeed not to stress him out as he seems to feel.

I agree that all other development should be put on hold until this issue is resolved however.

Taking the same model and rendering it in Thea and Octane should be proof enough, all personalities aside...


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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
3472.71 In reply to 3472.70 
I think that these issues will be resolved eventually.

Please have patience and understand that it is on the radar and these example files will be a great help. I cannot confirm any timing with any further work in this area, but it is on the to do list (and it isn't the number 1 priority.)

Please sit tight, and by all means, try every demo of every render engine you can get your hands on. Then purchase the best one for your style and work flow. In the end, I hope that Octane will be every ones choice but understand that it will not be so.

Thanks for your patience and understanding in the issue.


Phil Beauchamp
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Maybe we can let this thread dwindle down now and get back to MoI discussions?

Otherwise poor Phil is going to be stuck in a loop having to apologize over and over again for something that he doesn't have direct control over.

- Michael
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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
3472.73 when can I fork over money for MOI3D Version 2.0!!!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.74 In reply to 3472.73 
Pretty darn soon! :) This pesky documentation...

- Michael
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 From:  vodkamartini
3472.75 In reply to 3472.72 
How are those docs going, anyway? Have you begun the latin translations, or are you still working on the iambic pentameter? =)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.76 In reply to 3472.75 
I'm afraid I'm still stuck on the Aramaic at the moment... :)
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 From:  falcon76
3472.77 In reply to 3472.76 
One times more, Michael, you show us how serious you are.
You have a software almost bug free, but you don't start selling it just because of the documentation. I really admire your way of work. Thanks for that!
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 From:  zierlabs (SHANE)
3472.78 In reply to 3472.77 
with so many new vis apps coming out i was about to invest in this even though i don't have a CUDA GPU. looks like i read this in time. Thea i'm testing atm and looks pretty good. i think in time it will become pretty powerfull, but somehow fryrender still feels the most professional renderer out there, with the best quality result, even though it lacks in areas.
hypershot and all the biased stuff out there just seems less and less enticing these days...
hey Michael, with all your spare time how about you make us an unbiased real-time renderer MOI style ;)
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 From:  ycarry
Hi all
Just to say the prob is solved. Radiance say:
<<we found the issue, it was a precision issue in the cuda kernel's normal interpolation/flipping.
fixed in upcoming 2.2.>>
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
3472.80 In reply to 3472.79 
That's good news. Maybe he'll put back the MoI logo on the home page :)

The new videos showing Octane ver 2.2 with dual GTX480 cards is impressive.

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 From:  OSTexo

He is just trying to cover himself now that the issue was cropping up with models generated in other applications. If Radiance is going to indicate true compatibility he needs to remove more logos, not add any at this point.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Looking good!

Here's a screenshot pf Micheal's previous "segmented cylinder"


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.83 In reply to 3472.82 
That's a huge improvement Marc, that is now looking like it is supposed to!

So if that issue is fixed in Octane now, the only thing you should need to do when exporting from MoI is to uncheck the "Weld vertices along edges" option at export time.

Could you also try the single polygon file from here:

What does that single polygon look like shaded in Octane now?

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Hi Michael,

This is a test image posted the developers on the octane forum, the beta will be out later this week.
Looking forward to test it!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.85 In reply to 3472.84 
Hi Marc, well it certainly looks promising!

- Michael
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 From:  vodkamartini
3472.86 In reply to 3472.82 
Cool, looks like the bug has finally been fixed. It would have been nice if Radiance had acknowledged the problem/fix in this thread, but I can understand him wanting to put things behind him. I hope there are no hard feelings about this issue. I don't know what took place with Paq in the private octane forums, but I assume he was only sticking to his guns while everyone was brushing him off. I think in the end Octane is a better product for his efforts, and it can now be fully embraced by the CAD community (which I would think to be a huge userbase for this kind of product).

That dual 480gtx video was nice, btw. These gpu based bi-directional path tracers are definitely going to change things over the next few years. Fun times.
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 From:  candide
The new release candidate is out now, I've tried Paq's superball and it seems to render fine as far as I can tell. But I don't have a lot of experience in this area so I hope other people with Octane license will jump to testing. The test cylinder shows no seams.

As for the flat polygon test - it mostly looks ok, there's some weird "shadow" creeping up from some angles, I don't know if this is related to vertex normals or the lighting system or what. But at least the polygon is shaded now.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.88 In reply to 3472.87 
Hi candide, that is looking way better, the vertex normals are definitely coming into effect there.

There should likely be a significant increase in render quality there now.

Most likely the only thing you need to do now is to uncheck "Weld vertices along edges" when you export from MoI.

> there's some weird "shadow" creeping up from some angles,
> I don't know if this is related to vertex normals or the lighting
> system or what.

Hmm, hard to tell what that is. If there is some reflection going on instead of only diffuse lighting, that could just be some reflection from the environment or something like that.

Or it could be something like individual vertex normals flipping to the opposite direction if they end up pointing opposite of the viewing direction. If that's the case then you wouldn't really see it on a more typical kind of mesh that doesn't have so much variation between the vertex normals on just one polygon.

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Part of a model I struggled with before...


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