MOI3D to Octane Render Tutorial
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3472.47 In reply to 3472.44 
Hi radiance,

>>all supplied vertex normals point in the same direction.<<

They do not.

Check the "-"(negative) in front (of only some)of the values.
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 From:  ycarry
Thea Render:


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 From:  OSTexo

I got the same result as ycarry in TheaRender. If Octane doesn't pan out I can always wait to get GPU capability in 1.3. That kind of stinks since the new GPU is on it's way and from the videos I think I'll like the OR GUI a little better then TR.
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 From:  TwinSnakes
Okay, that's very sad. This dude cant tell the difference between Vectors? Is Octane using absolute values or something?

And further to the point..if you're the new kid on the block and you're in "Beta", dont upset your testers when they find a bug that saves you from your customers finding it in Production. Just fix the bug and thank your testers for finding it.
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 From:  PaQ
3472.51 In reply to 3472.50 
Nice, I've been banned from the customer Octane forum :P


I've decided to refund you're license after reading your posts on the moi3d forum.
i spent 2 days working on a smoothgroup implementation to get your welded superball model rendered,
and yet you post such disrespectfull things...


I spent 2 days of posting examples/test/rendering comparaison ... well lets turn the page.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3472.52 In reply to 3472.51 
That is surrealistic :)
Way to the perfection is some tortuous :)
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Michael's single polygon rendered in KeyShot. Matte clay material. Brightness and gamma settings at default.


EDITED: 27 Apr 2010 by EDDYF

Image Attachments:
Size: 15.2 KB, Downloaded: 106 times, Dimensions: 300x210px
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 From:  vodkamartini
3472.54 In reply to 3472.51 
I'm speechless.
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 From:  ycarry
Paq, its a private pm? its... true?

je suis sans voix ! (j'allai dire sur le q)

Have a good MoI import is a must, IMO
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.56 In reply to 3472.44 
Well, I tried my best... I can't really think any more simple example to make than the single polygon one.

Just for the record and as others noted above, the 4 vertex normals in the single polygon example are not all the same, there are different signs between the z values:

vn 0.00000000 -0.70710678 -0.70710679
vn 0.00000000 -0.70710679 0.70710678
vn 0.00000000 -0.70710679 0.70710678
vn 0.00000000 -0.70710678 -0.70710679

You're just going to keep on getting bug reports from users of many different CAD programs until this issue is resolved though. It would really save so much effort in the long run to have it fixed up sooner rather than later.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3472.57 In reply to 3472.56 
I have seen alot of PAQ's work in many places. I think He is a monster renderer. This is the guy I would want on my side.

It must be alot of pressure. Maybe there is room to realize an "ooops" and an apology for PAQ. I was trying to find the disrespect, but found none.

EDITED: 27 Apr 2010 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Phil (PHILBO)
3472.58 In reply to 3472.57 
In defense of Radiance, he is under tremendous pressure to give everyone their "pet" feature whether its MLT, animation support, multi-GPU, normal smoothing etc. He's working 16 hour days programming, trying to implement as many features as possible for the widest audience. He is stressed, there is no doubt. But he is also blazing a trail where few have gone (GPU based, extremely parallel programed ray tracers.) Octane Render offers many great, unique features and I am confident that Octane Render will still be a strong choice for MOI users in the future. It just may not be high on the priority list to resolve this smoothing issue, currently.

I'm sorry for the way that Paq was treated as he is indeed a great artist and I've always enjoyed his contributions to the community. I also thank all the users who posted examples and files for us to try to resolve any issues and for Michael's contributions.


Phil Beauchamp
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Octane a beta program. It's intro price is low to encourage people to begin working with it. At the same time, users are invited to share feedback. I think everyone who has participated in this thread has done so because they want to see this fantastic program reach it's full potential.

As an owner of MoI and Octane, I hope both programs will become fully compatible. Radiance has done a lot of development in a very short time with new features coming out weekly and even daily. It's obvious he works long hours. I think to prevent burn-out, a developer has to realize you can't get everyone's pet feature in at once. Prioritize, let people know your priorities, and enjoy building your creation.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3472.60 In reply to 3472.58 
Hi Phil, there are definitely a lot of really cool things about Octane, no doubt about that!

I think the main reason why people keep pressuring to get the vertex normals straightened out is because they really like it and want to use it.

- Michael
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 From:  OSTexo

I'm all for well-implemented features, but in my mind now is the time to squash this bug. If someone gets up in arms about their own little feature let them. I can see there is a significant quality issue that needs to be addressed. Getting a fast result is for nothing if the end is not correct.

I hope Radiance is reading this. All it takes is a forum or web post to acknowledge the problem in your code, and kindly tell users that this is taking priority for good reason. You start well you end better. I think I see the stress of coding showing in the comments, you need to ask for assistance on the PR side of things to allow you to concentrate on the development tasks. I highly doubt you will lose any customers if you address this now. You have a greater chance of losing customers out of beta if you don't.
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 From:  PaQ
3472.62 In reply to 3472.61 
Hello there,

Michael I'm sorry this appends in our cool community, it's the last time I post about this.

Hi Phil,

I have full respect for you, but stress or not, this guy has a real communication skill problem :

So now the 'moi to octane' thread is locked, everyone requesting about vertex normal issue will extend the fix for one week.
( ... supposed he really has the skills to fix it, which is not proved so far :P ... sorry, I can also act like an a* )

I'm really sad for Son Kim, at least I was refound :/ (excpet the GT260 I just bought for Octane :P ... looks like thea is on his way too).


... I often turn my wife crazy, my boss from time to time, but it's the fist time I burn out a developper :)

Cheers guys, and thanks for your support.

EDITED: 27 Apr 2010 by PAQ

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
I just got done reading the entire thread referenced above. All I can say is, "Wow".

I can understand beta status and bugs, but I can't begin to comprehend the response to the users.

I guess I'm lucky I'm only out $136.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
That goes for me too, Wow! after reading the thread on luxology forum, this is very serious and the offensive language used by Radiance.....very unprofessional, with that attitude no ones a winner.

I started to look into Octane, but.................?

I'm recording my favorite TV show tonight, this is much better drama ;)

Cheers guys and good luck

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 From:  Grendel
Wow is right....having second thoughts about Octane....
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 From:  BurrMan
3472.66 In reply to 3472.65 
Even I.....The KING of poor forum judgement, just spilled my coffee all over myself.
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