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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.34 In reply to 3455.31 
Hi Burr,

> Are either of these "degradation settings" from normal,
> or are they "more powerful" settings from normal.

Well, it's been a while since I have done much OpenGL, but those seem like just pretty normal settings to me. Not really "more powerful" or "degraded" either.

I wouldn't think you would have much to worry about with having those enabled.

You might want to update your video driver to the newest one though and see if that behaves any better with all defaults.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
Well the step importer appears to be having problems as well. I am getting some strange faces/renderings.

There is nothing wrong with the stp file exported from MOI.

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.36 In reply to 3455.35 
Hi Steve, it's probably hard to tell whether the problem is in the STEP format handler itself, or if it is a NURBS tessellation problem.

That's a rather strange looking artifact, but it kind of looks like some kind of polygonal patterns, that may be more of a tessellator thing.

In that about box screenshot, it mentions OpenCascade, that's probably what is used for importing STEP and tessellating to triangles as well.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3455.37 In reply to 3455.36 
Hi Michael,

It is a bit of a mess :-)

I dont hold much hope for it being a "Transfer 3D models between CAD" application, as it advertises :-)

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.38 In reply to 3455.37 
Hi Steve, at least using OBJ format should bypass those issues though.

That way the tessellation step happens inside of MoI instead.

- Michael
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 From:  Grendel
Michael - I would say it was identical or easier since there are widgets for move/scale/rotate and there are less render settings to adjust. The material editor sits in the bottom right of the UI and is self explanatory. If anyone has had any exposure to one of the "Shots" then there is nothing new to learn at all.

Since they are licensing from Luxion I hope they pay their bill.....I would hate to see Simlab build the product around the engine so tight that Luxion ends up in control of another software.

Here I applied the iris map to his eyes. Just clicked the texture map button, found the map and then adjusted the UV coordinates.


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 From:  WillBellJr
Damn, which I had heard of this before Octane LOL! :-P

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 From:  omac12
3455.41 In reply to 3455.19 
Well, after all the discussion I thought I would be crazy not to buy one as well. I tested the trial, and it's fine on this old machine I'm on. I also customized a material to make sure it was easy to do. (it was pretty brainless). I think I might even be motivated again to do some modeling instead of just thinking about it. Does anyone know anything about decals with this program? Can I take a 2d picture and position it on top of an existing texture, or is a decal just a texture?
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3455.42 In reply to 3455.38 
Hi Michael,

>>at least using OBJ format should bypass those issues though. That way the tessellation step happens inside of MoI instead.<<

Yes, I do not really have a problem using obj format. I have purchased a license.

- Steve
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 From:  TwinSnakes
This one is really tempting. Hmm....Hypershot for $149 basically (minus realtime render).

But, I'm not sure what role it could play in my pipeline besides a quick renderer?

I think I'm gonna still holdout for VrayRT (OpenCL).
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 From:  Grendel
Here is another test render, this time with a poly model just to see how it handled that. Poly'd the pendant and stones a long time ago.


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 From:  BurrMan
3455.45 In reply to 3455.44 
Hey Grendel,
Can you share a bit about how you would poly that surface up? not being very proficient in it, the other day I polyed a model (quickly) which gave me some faceting, then I imported the model as a step file with a better surface. Though I know Michaels mesher is superior, I do have to know more about how to get good results with it, so any insight is valuable for me!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.46 In reply to 3455.45 
Hi Burr, I took what Grendel said to mean that jewelry piece was built in a polygon modeler using subdivision surfaces and was not actually a NURBS model.

For meshing tips to get smoother results out of MoI, first try just moving the slider towards the "More polygons" side to reduce the angle parameter and make more polygons be generated.

If you have areas that are broad in size but have pretty shallow curvature, then the angle parameter alone may not dice that area up enough - for cases like that enter a distance value in the "Divide larger than" option to split up any polygons that are larger than that distance.

- Michael
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 From:  Grendel
Well, there are several ways to do it depending on the tools in your modeler. Off the bat you need to figure out if you're going to use hard or soft modeling. By that I mean if you will use some sort of subdivision smoothing (catmull/clark..doo sabin) to smooth it out for render or if you will model with a much denser mesh but does not require subdivision smoothing. The benefit of the sub-d is that you are dealing with a much lighter cage that can be collapsed later to a dense mesh, if you hard model it you cannot go the other way to a lighter control cage.

This one I used a bezier curve (through points) to get the shape, then offset that and adjusted the bezier control points to give it thick and thin areas from the top view. Then I bridged (lofted) a surface of polygons between them, and then gave that surface thickness (shell). For the settings they are just cylinders with one cap extruded (inset) inward to hold the stone. I then deleted some polygons on the OD of the cylinder and welded the cylinders to the ends of the thickened surface of the pendant.

You could also do the same thing with sweeping a profile along two curve guides just as you do in MOI, really the modeling of something like this which is kind of organic and flowing is pretty much the same between NURBS and Sub-D.

For the stones I did a poly tutorial a long time ago found here: that you can look at.

Yeah as Michael said it was a Poly model in Hexagon at the time. I was only trying to show another example of the Composer rendering and not throw poly modeling topics into the forum but since you asked...

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 From:  BurrMan
3455.48 In reply to 3455.47 
Thanks Grendel...
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
True Diamonds gem tutorial !
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
Hi All,

Maybe late to the party, but had some time to play with Simlab and I have to say it's not bad, not bad at all.
It's the next level for presentations, renderings and 3d PDF at this price I think is a bargain.
The quick render of Robby the robot head are straight off the bat default settings, I just bumped up the Ray Bounces a bit for the transparent stuff, took about 15min.

Made a corny pdf with sound of the model for anyone who's interested, you can download it from the link it's about 13Meg.


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 From:  WillBellJr
Really nice render!

Is there a way to bump up the refraction on the glass a bit?

Okay where can us Octane licensees gather for a group cry and hugg?? :-P

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 From:  candide
3455.52 In reply to 3455.51 
Is this really comparable? It's still CPU based, isn't it? Besides 3D PDF, which I didn't know existed until now and I still don't understand the reason for its existence - what does it have going for it? My main attraction (I bought a license) to Octane is the rendering speed. Once I get my hands on one of the new Nvidia cards (4xx series), stuff will fly. Physically accurate almost realtime rendering? Hell yeah! (says he, who used to wait overnight to have a cube rendered on his 8MHz Amiga)
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 From:  ycarry
Robby.pdf (with the cosmo music) is really excellent!
Can we add lights and animation to Simlab 3Dpdf?
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