SimLab Composer
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 From:  tijai
3455.18 In reply to 3455.15 
Hello all,

i buyed this software and make some test...

i export the z1000 cockpit from moi in different ways:

1. the 3dm import of moi models (export as 3dm) doesn´t work for me...
look at the image... the hierachie is lost too...

2. the step import works very well, but the hierachie is a bit lost... every named group in moi splits up in single objects with the groupname

3. the obj import doesn´t work... there is only a single line (?) visible... but the hierachie is like in moi... that would be cool... but... no objects visible.
i´m gonna contact the simlab guys for this...

the 3d pdf export is very cool and works very well with the step model... and thats the reason why i needed this software:-)

the render quality and speed is not bad..i like it... the use of any hdr image is possible.. but no alpha output.. just "simple" jpgs...
(there is a "alphamask" button in rmb renderview...but it doesn´t work),

maybe usefull informations

best regards,


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 From:  BurrMan
3455.19 In reply to 3455.18 
With the obj export from MoI, did you try some of the other options like "No n-gons/no weld/Triangles only"?
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 From:  BurrMan
3455.20 In reply to 3455.19 
ALso, how about a pdf of the part? can you post it without giving away your model?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.21 In reply to 3455.18 
Hi tijai, the renderings look nice!

Like Burr mentions, for OBJ export, try setting "Output: Triangles only" and also uncheck "Weld vertices along edges" when exporting from MoI and see if that transfers better.

- Michael
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 From:  tijai
3455.22 In reply to 3455.21 

i have to correct my last post...

i don´t know why, but i restart SimLab and the obj import now works perfect...
no more "just a line"... it works and the hierachie is like in MoI... thats very good!!

sorry for the "bug!" shouting..

attached a simple 3d pdf of an moi-obj

works cool

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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
I have just been having a look. The 3DM import is a no-go. The obj import is OK if the obj exported from MOI is with quads/tris (well, up to now)
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
It does look like the Luxion render engine, I found their 3dm to obj converter is not very strong and that's what you get, the sliver effect all the time.
Obj import should be fine, don't bother with quads/tris just use triangles option in MoI because the Luxion converter will just split the quads into triangles anyway.
Step should work well, iges is hit and miss.
Looks like I'll have to download the demo and have a play seeing it's only US$149 with no res restriction, it'll better value than the 800X400 limit I have now with Hypershot/Keyshot.

Thanks tijai, the PDF looks great!

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 From:  ed (EDDYF)
Can anyone who is familiar with Keyshot / Hypershot say for sure what the render features & differences are? Real time window snapshots or just full renders? Same material library?

Even if it has some restrictions, that's a very good price.

I like the 3D PDF. I'll have to see if I can integrate a 3D PDF into a web site for product views.

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 From:  BurrMan
3455.26 In reply to 3455.25 
As an update to my crashing post, I hit the breakpoint of it and it was crashing on my ati stuff. I enabled tripple buffering in the opengl settings and the program launched! I disabled the tripple buffering and now it runs.... Demo-ing it and will probably by it also for the 3d pdf output!

Thanks ralf.

Also, on another computer, antivirus is reporting the installer as suspect? I wonder if this is the licensing stuff doing "machine reading" at launch of the installer?
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3455.27 In reply to 3455.26 
Hi Burr,

I'm getting a bit sus with these antivirus software these days they seem to pick up stuff from launching programs, saying that this process is acting like a Trogan or a keylogger and I've had this stuff running for years without problem.
It's either reassurance that the antivirus is doing it's job, so keep buying me, or antivirus software has evolved that much that it's developed a personality and has become a super paranoid hypochondriac......Modern Antivirus process in action...........WHAT'S THAT! WHO'S THERE! WHAT ARE YOU DOING! YOU'RE GOING TO INFECT ME! GO AWAY! ALERT, ALERT!

Sorry for the subject change.

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 From:  BurrMan
3455.28 In reply to 3455.27 
No, thats a good response Danny. I use Norton, which doesnt bother me too much. Most programs dont do machine specific stuff, thats not documented with them. The company(simlabs) may be using some product that isnt recognized yet ( A good look at the license key kindof points to that). Most of the free antivirus stuff are the ones that have to prompt you for "Any Action". Couldnt see myself loading one of those :o

With that being said, you kindof have to evaluate the source then. The website is kindof non existent (kindof a red flag). But some of the other users here in the MoI forum are using the product now also, so I decided to go ahead and load it. (A slight risk). Amman Jordan isnt really a hotbed of cutting edge development, but may be some smart guy's down there.

Anyway, may be a great find for the forum by Ralf. Always hopefull!
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 From:  Grendel
Well, it works pretty darn well for what I do and will be buying a license.

I talked with Simlab support and they will be adding alpha support for rendered images

He is a simple doodle from way back that was exported from MOI with quads & tris and vertices welded which is how I export everything for 3d pdf's I make and animate. Since I use Acrobat 3d v.8 the pdf side of it does not help but it is a cheap way to output 3d pdfs to be sure if you don't have that capability.

Big Weld rendered 800x800 in three minutes. The silver around the nose is a bump map for the texturing and not splintering. Just for fun I started the same render with setting for 4000x400 and off it went with no hiccups, I didn't let it finish as I am off to bed...


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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3455.30 In reply to 3455.28 
>>The website is kindof non existent (kindof a red flag). But some of the other users here in the MoI forum are using the product now also, so I decided to go ahead and load it. (A slight risk).<<

I have installed, I have not seen the program do anything suspicious, and I do check.

On the point of it being associated with hypershot, well, the program makes a lot of registry entries:- "Hypershot".

This is part of a log of registry writes made by Simlab on execution:-


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 From:  BurrMan
3455.31 In reply to 3455.30 
I have a quick question for someone. regarding some opengl settings for my ati card. There are 2. "tripple buffering" and "Force 24-bit Z-Buffer depth.

Are either of these "degradation settings" from normal, or are they "more powerful" settings from normal.

The simlab app will crash when I launch it, but if I enable either of these, it runs fine. Even after I disable the setting. But after a restart of the computer, app launch crash until I reset either of those opengl settings.

I never knew much about customizing my card. If the setting is "More", then I'll set it and leave it.

I suppose I should do some research and learn about these settings. I have an Nvidia quadroFX 5600 I may get better performance out of, other than "default Installation settings". :o
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 From:  BurrMan
3455.32 In reply to 3455.31 
And about Hypershot:

But I think Steve already answered that.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.33 In reply to 3455.29 
Hi Grendel, that's a great looking result!

How is it in the "ease of use" department for rendering? One of the interesting areas of HyperShot/KeyShot is that it did not have a complex UI so it was pretty easy for people without any rendering experience to get started with it. Is this fairly close to that UI wise?

> but it is a cheap way to output 3d pdfs to be sure if you
> don't have that capability.

Yeah normally 3D PDF capability by itself is a fair bit more expensive than this.

So that's some pretty interesting combination functionality for the low price.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.34 In reply to 3455.31 
Hi Burr,

> Are either of these "degradation settings" from normal,
> or are they "more powerful" settings from normal.

Well, it's been a while since I have done much OpenGL, but those seem like just pretty normal settings to me. Not really "more powerful" or "degraded" either.

I wouldn't think you would have much to worry about with having those enabled.

You might want to update your video driver to the newest one though and see if that behaves any better with all defaults.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
Well the step importer appears to be having problems as well. I am getting some strange faces/renderings.

There is nothing wrong with the stp file exported from MOI.

- Steve
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3455.36 In reply to 3455.35 
Hi Steve, it's probably hard to tell whether the problem is in the STEP format handler itself, or if it is a NURBS tessellation problem.

That's a rather strange looking artifact, but it kind of looks like some kind of polygonal patterns, that may be more of a tessellator thing.

In that about box screenshot, it mentions OpenCascade, that's probably what is used for importing STEP and tessellating to triangles as well.

- Michael
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3455.37 In reply to 3455.36 
Hi Michael,

It is a bit of a mess :-)

I dont hold much hope for it being a "Transfer 3D models between CAD" application, as it advertises :-)

- Steve
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