Smooth transitions between joined objects
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3446.18 In reply to 3446.14 
>>A better way to get good results is to use "solids" and cut them up to make your object.<<

Starting from solids is a good way to go.

A very quick example with solids using booleans/fillets


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 From:  BurrMan
3446.19 In reply to 3446.18 
That one is much better Steve. Watching for more from you. Thanks.
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 From:  BobK
Very cool Burr. That would be a great neck for a funky looking electric. Steve, thanks for the continued lessons. I have a lot to learn, but at least now I know that what I want to do is possible. BTW, although my modeling skills are weak, if anyone wants to model a guitar of their own I can help (mainly acoustic but some electric experience) or point you to info for accurate scale lengths and dimensions for fretboards, necks, bridges, body shapes, etc...

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 From:  BurrMan
3446.21 In reply to 3446.20 
>>>>or point you to info for accurate scale lengths and dimensions for fretboards, necks, bridges, body shapes, etc...>>>

I could dig it!
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 From:  BobK
Here's some acoutic info.
From Martin Guitar
Body shapes:
Neck cross section and sound box bracing patterns:
Fret and bridge placement caluclator (acoustic or electric):
Fret shapes and dimensions:

General info (mostly acoustic):
Tops and backs .100 to .125" thick. Sides ~.080" thick. Fretboards ~.250 at thickest point. Neck with fretboard ~.875" thick at 1st fret, ~30/32" thick at 10th fret. Headstock is .5 to .6" thick.
Acoustic guitar tops and backs are not flat. Tops have a radius of 25 to 30 ft, backs from 12 to 20 ft. Martin fretboards usually have 16" radius, Gibson is 12" I believe. Strings, the 1st and 6th, are usually placed so there is .125" clearance between the outside edge of the string and the fretboard edge. The remaining strings are placed so there is an even gap between all of them. Bridges are usually ~.375" thick at the center point and the top is arched at ~20" radius, the saddle extends another .125". The standard "belly" bridge is 6" wide, the wings are 1" tall and the belly is 1.5" tall. Headstocks are usually angled ~15* (not the 30* of my original drawing, d'oh). Necks do not join the body at a 90* angle. The heel is angled from 1 to 2* to produce the following: a line drawn down the middle of the top of the fretboard should be ~.375" above the body at the point that would be the center of the saddle. String action: first fret high E ~.012" above the fret, low E ~.023". At the neck joint the high E s/b ~ .090" above the fret and the low E ~ .110". For the really retentive, fretboards are not flat. There's a gradual "relief" or dip from 3rd to ~10th fret that maxes out ~ .010. From the neck joint and higher the board would fall away by ~.010-.020".

How's that for a start.

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