Hi d3,
> Are there any options for surfaces and solid part colors?
> It would be easier to see which part is in surface mode.
You mean have solids and surfaces automatically drawn in different colors?
No, there isn't anything for that because colors are already used for something different - you can apply Styles to objects so you can make visually distinctive groups for organizing your model and also set up materials to be used when exporting to a rendering program.
If objects were colored only by whether they were a solid or a surface, that would be in conflict with using colors for the style system where you are free to apply styles as you wish.
But a quick way to see if you are working with a solid or a surface is to select it and then look at its type indicator in the Properties panel in the upper right area of the window, here:
That will say "Solid" there if the selected object is a closed solid, or "Joined srf" if it is not a solid and made up of more than 1 surface joined together, or "Surface" if it is not a solid and just a single surface.
You can also use the Scene browser to select all solids, or hide solids, show only solids, etc... - to do that go to the Scene browser Types section here:
Click on the text that says "Solids" to select all solids, they will then be highlighted in yellow. Click on the eye to hide all solids, or right-click on the eye to hide everything else and only leave solids visible.
Also if you really really want different colors for solids and surfaces you can get that by selecting stuff with the scene browser there and then assigning a style. Like select all solids, and assign them Style = Orange, now your solids are displayed in orange.
- Michael