Isolation mode ? Sub-layers(styles) ?
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3415.4 In reply to 3415.3 
Thanks Michael

One simple thing would be to be able to make "folders" from the edit styles menu and drag'n'drop styles in them
Then you could turn visible / invisible the folder or lock it / unlock it
And click on the folder name to select all the inside objects

Its like a style without color and without geometry inside

Its just to avoid the 3 foot long styles panel :)
Just like Photoshop groups

For example you got a folder called "First floor doors"
With inside "metal frame" , "handle" etc...
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3415.5 In reply to 3415.4 
> Set up the following script on a keyboard shortcut to do that

Thanks it work great, but could it be a "toggle" ?

You press the shortcut, everything is hided but not the piece
Then you work on the piece and when you are done you press that shortcut again
And everything gets back to its original state

Because now I need to click "hide" button but that also make invisible styles visible
And then I need to get some the styles back to invisible by hand

If its not possible to make a "toggle" script, I could use a reverse script with another shortcut

Thanks for your time :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3415.6 In reply to 3415.5 
Hi DesuDeus,

Thanks it work great, but could it be a "toggle" ?

You press the shortcut, everything is hided but not the piece
Then you work on the piece and when you are done you press that shortcut again
And everything gets back to its original state

It's not so easy to make a script that makes it a completely accurate toggle, because that means storing information from one run of the script to the other.

But here is a version that comes pretty close - if it did not find anything to change to wireframe, it will instead show faces to bring objects out of wireframe mode, but it will avoid changing objects that have been totally hidden:

script: /* Toggle unselected objects to wireframe */ var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getObjects().getBreps(); var didone = false; for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { var brep = breps.item(i); if ( brep.hidden ) continue; if ( !brep.selected ) { var faces = brep.getFaces(); for ( var j = 0; j < faces.length; ++j ) { if ( !faces.item(j).hidden ) { faces.setProperty( 'hidden', true ); didone = true; break; } } } } if ( !didone ) { for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { var brep = breps.item(i); if ( brep.hidden ) continue; brep.getFaces().setProperty( 'hidden', false ); } } moi.view.resetAll(); moi.ui.redrawViewports();

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3415.7 In reply to 3415.4 
Hi DesuDeus, re: folders for styles - that probably would work a lot better than trying some kind of "parent style / child style" type thing.

I've added that to the wishlist here:

But some of what you are describing may be better organized by Groups, like you mention "First floor doors", but probably for styles you would not normally want to have special looking doors just for the first floor. If you wanted to have some structure that had something like "All doors" with "First floor doors", and "Second floor doors" as children of it, that may be something that will work better with using Groups to organize them and hide/show/select them rather than using styles for the organization method.

But we'll see more about that when I get a chance to work on a Groups mechanism in v3.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3415.8 In reply to 3415.7 
"But some of what you are describing may be better organized by Groups, like you mention "First floor doors", but probably for styles you would not normally want to have special looking doors just for the first floor. If you wanted to have some structure that had something like "All doors" with "First floor doors", and "Second floor doors" as children of it, that may be something that will work better with using Groups to organize them and hide/show/select them rather than using styles for the organization method"

Well I use colors (materials) to separate my meshes
For example all the door frames have the same material (separate objects, different geometry, but same mats)

I divide all the scene like this
So having layers only in groups would be kinda difficult for me to get used to

Thanks for the toggle script, it works great !

Do you have any timeframe for beta 3 ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3415.9 In reply to 3415.8 
Hi DesuDeus,

> Well I use colors (materials) to separate my meshes
> For example all the door frames have the same material
> (separate objects, different geometry, but same mats)

Right, but in your post above you wrote:

         For example you got a folder called "First floor doors"

So I thought you might be talking about some organization where you had something like "First floor doors" and then "Second floor doors" as separate organization groups.

That's possibly the kind of a thing where you might want to use Groups additionally since you could have separate groups for "First floor doors", and "Second floor doors", but have common materials between them.

> So having layers only in groups would be kinda difficult
> for me to get used to

Well, the idea is that you could use Groups at the same time as Styles, not just only have all one or all the other.

Some kinds of organization may be different than their visual look, like separating things into "first floor" and "second floor".

> Do you have any timeframe for beta 3 ?

No, not yet. It may take a couple of months or so from the end of v2 until the first v3 beta.

- Michael
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