help !

 From:  osx59
ref: Moi3d last version


Somebody could it say to me why j' have this result?

thank you



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 From:  Michael Gibson
3411.2 In reply to 3411.1 
Hi V, there is no reason to worry - that's just an area where the display mesh did not get a lot of polygons.

That can happen in areas that are somewhat broad in size but only shallowly curved.

It's purely a display artifact, your actual surface is fine and if you export to a mesh format you can use some of the export meshing options to make more polygons be created in those areas if you want.

Here are a few previous discussions about this:

But basically it is just something to ignore.

In the future I will be doing some work to make the display nicer in areas like that, but it only has to do with the on-screen realtime display of the surface.

- Michael
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 From:  d3print
3411.3 In reply to 3411.1 
I`m not sure , but does it help if you add more points on curve.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3411.4 In reply to 3411.3 
Hi d3 - yeah it looks like with your added points there it changed the curvature slightly so it gives a different kind of display mesh.

But like I mentioned previously - it's just a display artifact and not an actual problem with the geometry.

So there isn't really any reason to try and "solve" it, it is something that you should just ignore. There are some situations where the display has some minor glitches. That's actually common in many CAD programs to see some traces of the meshing that is done for the display.

Often times MoI tends to display things at a very high quality level which I guess makes glitches like this stand out.

I do expect to improve the display in the future, but it's just the display - not something to worry so much about.

- Michael
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 From:  d3print
3411.5 In reply to 3411.4 
Ok, in SE the option called sharpen.
You can choose the sharpness for display.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3411.6 In reply to 3411.5 
Hi d3, there are some options in MoI to control the display as well, those are under Options > View > Meshing parameters.

But they are already set to pretty dense values by default so it is not a good idea to try and tighten then any further, but you can loosen them (for example set the Mesh angle to 25 degrees instead of the default 10 degrees) to make things coarser for large scenes to reduce memory load.

MoI's display mesher just currently does not put enough triangles in some areas like the one shown here that are shallowly curved but are of fairly broad size in the model.

It's best currently to just ignore such problems.

In the future I expect to improve the display mesher to deal with these particular areas better but it is a fairly sensitive area regarding performance, since it is important for the display mesher to do its job very quickly so that you don't wait around for a long time for display meshes to be generated.

So because of that emphasis on speed, there are basically some shortcuts in there currently which can cause some minor display glitches like this.

- Michael
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 From:  osx59

Thanks, very good !!!!

(render with V-ray)




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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Nice design!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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