Screen capture to file.

 From:  3dcnc
This is probably been asked for (wish list), but could not find it on forum.

It would be good if there is a option to save screen view as a jpg/png . Maybe it could just be an export option for simplicity.
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 From:  Ralf-S
3387.2 In reply to 3387.1 
Hi 3dcnc,

I can not find the thread at the moment.
Here is the script, published by Michael.

2560 x 2560 px

Alt+P script:var v = moi.ui.getActiveViewport(); if ( v != null ) { moi.view.lineWidth = 4; v.renderToClipboard( 2560, 2560 ); moi.view.lineWidth = 1; }

Works well :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3387.3 In reply to 3387.1 
Hi 3dcnc, yeah the way Ralf mentions above is a good way to take a screenshot.

What that actually does is generate a new screen image but at a higher resolution than your actual monitor, and then puts the image on the clipboard so you can then paste it into any image editing program for saving or printing or whatever.

To set it up, go to Options > Shortcut keys and for the "Command" part of the shortcut key paste in that script. Then when you push that shortcut key it will take that snapshot and put it on the clipboard.

It is also possible to set up a shortcut key that will take a snapshot just directly of the screen and then prompt you for an image file name to write to, for that one see here:

- Michael
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 From:  3dcnc
3387.4 In reply to 3387.3 
Thank you. Just tried it.
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