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 From:  PaQ
3386.65 In reply to 3386.64 
Hi Radiance,

Here's the unweld version.


EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  radiance
3386.66 In reply to 3386.65 
thanks ;)

time to go to bed. i'll work on it tomorrow.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.67 In reply to 3386.64 
Hi Radiance,

> if there are any residual normal interpolation issues with a propper model
> i need to investigate it. it could be due to the precision issue bug
> i fixed yesterday.

The precision issue was related to vertex normals?

Then yes maybe that was causing much of the problems.

> i just tried the cylinder model you gave me and that one renders fine, it
> has indeed got duplicate vertex normals on the cylinder edges at the
> top/bottom.

Yeah, if by duplicates you mean more than one normal that can happen to point in the same direction. Why is that significant for you?

But with the unwelded output, what it won't have is shared vertices, where 2 faces can have a single 3D point in common but have separate normals between them.

If you can get unwelded output to work properly, that would be a significant step, since MoI users could just uncheck that option when exporting to Octane.

- Michael
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 From:  radiance
3386.68 In reply to 3386.67 
shared vertices is not needed.

you can give 1 vertex and 10 vertex normals and then as much faces that reference it, my importer reads those fine.

the strangeness of it all is that models exported with 'high quality vertex normals' in the same moi3d like unwelded fashion render fine with octane, but not the moi ones.

anyways the cylinder you gave renders fine, no facets.
i will test the superball model in unwelded form.

i'm still finishing my vertex normal interpolation via smoothgroups option though, a lot of users have models that are 'welded' and have the usual shading artifacts.

anyways, that will be for tomorrow.

night night.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.69 In reply to 3386.68 
Hi Radiance,

> you can give 1 vertex and 10 vertex normals and then as much
> faces that reference it, my importer reads those fine.

Well it wasn't previously - earlier in this thread you can see just a welded box that doesn't work right. That's with an export from both MoI and Modo.

The part to remember is with CAD data you should not be manipulating the vertex normals in any way.

But even if there are problems with welded (shared points but different normals per face), it will be easy for MoI users to just only export unwelded to avoid that.

- Michael


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 From:  vodkamartini
3386.70 In reply to 3386.68 
Still sounds a little off, but I'm not sure where to expand on things at this point. I'm sure there will be further examples/dialogue in the coming days. Have a good night, Radiance.
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Octane will be become the render tool of Moi :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  radiance
3386.72 In reply to 3386.71 
can't sleep...

michael -> can i contact you via email or something ?
can you send me a mail at info at refractivesoftware dot com ?

i've got some questions for you regarding integration.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
try that ;)
Or send PM in the forum itself ;)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.74 In reply to 3386.72 
Hi Radiance, I hope you get some sleep at some point! It's not good to go too long without...

> michael -> can i contact you via email or something ?

Certainly! Feel free to contact me at like Pilou wrote.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3386.75 In reply to 3386.74 
Thought I would remember Michaels expertise is Graphics! CAD came after... :o

Just following along here...
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3386.76 In reply to 3386.75 
Michael and Radiance should team up :)
Both are living coding gods hehe

I hope to see a lot of MoI users using Octane as their renderer engine
That make so much sense, combine a perfect Nurbs modeler and render product viz with Octane

Nice to see the progress

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 From:  BurrMan
3386.77 In reply to 3386.76 
Doesnt sound like the MG way though....Releasing a product with such top level bugs! Maybe the match is not quite suited....:o
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3386.78 In reply to 3386.77 
Yeah right
But MoI is older hehe

Anyway I use both and I love'em :)
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 From:  BurrMan
3386.79 In reply to 3386.78 
Michael worked on MoI for "4YEARS" before he released it. There is a lesson there for many.
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 From:  falcon76
3386.80 In reply to 3386.79 
In any case octane is still in beta. So is not yet released. And the stability of Moi beta is "unique" in the world of software.
I'm not yet an owner of Octane rendering but I'm serously thinking for render Moi object. If you have read the topic you can feel that radiance is doing all the possible for solve the issue. Autodesk had problem in importing OBJ files for YEARS, and after just include in their package the Guruware Importer. THAT'S NOT SERIOUS!
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3386.81 In reply to 3386.80 
Autodesk suffer from their own size
Exactly like Microsoft

But Octane is small, and not made by a huge team, kinda like MoI
That's why its reacting so fast and listening to the users requests

Its the best scenario for softwares I think :)
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 From:  BurrMan
3386.82 In reply to 3386.81 
I guess for me it's a charactor thing.

Cant change the name of "Beta". The software is being charged for. This is not Beta. (Back to the charactor thing)

I dont really want to be bashing though (unless you want to continue) This would be a topic for another forum.
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
Hi Burr,

There is a public beta version that is free that anywone can download and try, it is updated along developpement as well.
Octane allows renders which used to take many hours in minutes.

There is a private beta program costing half the "release" price, this one enables to save your projects.

This problem is rather specific to nurbs exports and generally doesn't hinder polygon model rendering.

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 From:  BurrMan
3386.84 In reply to 3386.83 
Hi Marc,
My bad....I wasnt aware of the free one....Thanks for setting me straight.

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