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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.51 In reply to 3386.49 
Hi Radiance,

smoothing groups are not used to recreate any vertex normals.
they are only used to define the bounds of interpolating the provided vertex normals during rendering.

That's not proper vertex normal handling.

Again I will quote directly from the OBJ spec:


vn i j k

Polygonal and free-form geometry statement.

Specifies a normal vector with components i, j, and k.

Vertex normals affect the smooth-shading and rendering of geometry.
For polygons, vertex normals are used in place of the actual facet
normals. For surfaces, vertex normals are interpolated over the
entire surface and replace the actual analytic surface normal.

When vertex normals are present, they supersede smoothing groups.

i j k are the i, j, and k coordinates for the vertex normal. They
are floating point numbers.

Note the part that I have put in bold - it is intended that when vertex normals are present in the OBJ file, they are used to shade the polygon and smoothing groups are completely unused and should not affect the rendering in any way.

If you read the vertex normals from the file, all the normals for every face are already defined and there is nothing you need to do with smoothing group processing.

Just take the normals that the face is using and use them.... Don't modify them by break angles or smoothing groups or anything like that.

Maybe you are using a completely different term for what "vertex normal" is or something?

- Michael
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 From:  radiance
3386.52 In reply to 3386.50 

I will explain.

look at the cone in the first image.
the vertex normals are shown as the lightblue lines.

if you render this object smooth using the vertex normals supplied,
you get ugly shading.

because the renderer will interpolate the vertex normal of the base piece center vertex with the vertex normals of the edges of the base of the cone.

there are 2 solutions to this:

1. split the cone triangles and the base triangles into 2 groups, eg smooth groups.
the renderer still uses the supplied vertex normals, but it does'nt interpolate vertex normals shared between 2 groups during rendering (i'm not talking about remaking / averaging new normals, i'm talking about computing the shading tangent from the vertex normals during raytracing)

this is the solution the the problem here, that's why i'm adding smoothgroup support to octane.

2. split the object into 2 objects, thereby duplicating the shared vertices.
this can be done with the 'edgesplit' modifier in blender, and this is what most of our users do (who use blender).
it solves the problem because you basically end up with 2 objects, eg all the shared vertices between the base and the top of the cone are duplicated at the same positions, but you're model has much more vertices.

these images are an example of the edgesplit (eg nr 2) solution:

the problem with paq's models is that they require solution 1, since moi3d exports them all as single vertices, and you use the smooth groups to create the bounds between what is what during tangent space interpolation.
you can see the wip smoothgroup image posted by phil solves the issue. it's still not perfect because as i said it's a work in progress and i'm not redefining the bounds correctly yet.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.53 In reply to 3386.49 
Hi Radiance,

A really simple test would be to load the following cylinder file:

Every other rendering program that uses the vertex normals from the OBJ file for shading will render that as a completely smooth cylinder without any breaks between the different pieces.

Octane does not render it like that though, it shows breaks between the different cylinder pieces, which indicates that the cylinder normals that were stored in the OBJ file are not being used.

Either you're recreating them, or you're modifying them or whatever - maybe if you make a debug mode where you could display the vertex normals inside of Octane that would help me to point to one and show you that it is in a wrong direction.

Anyway, if you can't render the above file as a smooth seamless looking cylinder, it means you have some vertex normal handling problems.

- Michael
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 From:  radiance
3386.54 In reply to 3386.52 
Note the part that I have put in bold - it is intended that when vertex normals are present in the OBJ file, they are used to shade the polygon and smoothing groups are completely unused and should not affect the rendering in any way.
If you read the vertex normals from the file, all the normals for every face are already defined and there is nothing you need to do with smoothing group processing.
Just take the normals that the face is using and use them.... Don't modify them by break angles or smoothing groups or anything like that.
Maybe you are using a completely different term for what "vertex normal" is or something?

- Michael

you are correct only if you actually supply duplicates with different vertex normals of the vertices that are shared between polygons with a high angle, like the edgesplit solution.
if you supply only one vertex, you need to use the smoothing groups to differentiate.

sorry, i don't want to sound like mr know it all, but that's the way it is.
you should consider adding an option to your OBJ exporter that splits objects, eg duplicates vertexes shared on high angles (eg > 30 degrees or so), like the edgesplit solution.
however, if you just write what you do now, it will render fine once my smoothing group implementation is finished.

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 From:  radiance
3386.55 In reply to 3386.53 
just remove the smooth groups (eg delete all lines starting with 's') and try rendering it and you'll see what i mean.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
it's not possible to cure 0bjects in program like Meshlab?
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.57 In reply to 3386.52 
Hi Radiance,

look at the cone in the first image. the vertex normals are shown as the lightblue lines.

Yeah, those are problem vertex normals, since they were created without regard to the desired surface breaking.

MoI and other CAD programs will never create improper vertex normals like you are showing there, in a CAD program the upper cone surface is a separate logical piece from the bottom cap surface.

When MoI exports to OBJ, it writes all exactly proper vertex normals into the file, it will never make ones like you show in that first image. Every single normal is already set up to point in its proper direction to make the right appearance.

So it is important when reading in stuff from a CAD program, to not try and do any manipulation or "fixing" of the problem you show because instead of fixing things you are actually going to be disturbing the vertex normals which are coming from the NURBS surfaces.

1. split the cone triangles and the base triangles into 2 groups, eg smooth groups. the renderer still uses the supplied vertex normals, but it does'nt interpolate vertex normals shared between 2 groups during rendering (i'm not talking about remaking / averaging new normals, i'm talking about computing the shading tangent from the vertex normals during raytracing)

Still what you are writing does not really make sense - when using the vertex normals you should not be interpolating anything between faces at all, you already have the vertex normals for each vertex of a face, you should only be interpolating within a single face and not between faces.

If you are trying to interpolate between faces, it means you are messing around with making vertex normals instead of using the supplied ones which already are set up at every face.

Anyway, the simple case is to look at the cylinder example I posted above, if that does not render as a smooth looking cylinder then it means you have vertex normal handling problems. That's about as simple as I can make it.

Every other rendering program that utilizes the vertex normals from the file will make that cylinder look like a completely smooth cylinder, but it does not look that way in Octane.

- Michael
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 From:  vodkamartini
3386.58 In reply to 3386.52 
Radiance, a shared vertex can have multiple vertex normals. It's not a one-to-one correspondence. In your cone example, each of the shared vertices at the base would have two vertex normals defined, one pointing down parallel with the base face's normal, and one averaged to point between the side faces. The existence of multiple vertex normals is your cue to split the model up like you would with smoothing groups.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.59 In reply to 3386.54 
Hi Radiance,

if you supply only one vertex, you need to use the smoothing groups to differentiate.

No, that is not correct - in OBJ files there is more than one kind of vertex list.

There is a 3D vertex list, a UV vertex list, and a vertex normal list.

2 polygon faces that touch each other can share a single 3D vertex, but still have separate normals specified for them.

That's why faces have triplets for each vertex of the face, one index is for the 3D point, the second one for the UV and the third for the face's vertex normal.

So with OBJ structure, you don't have to only have all vertex information shared, you can have 3D points shared but individual normals per face.

If you are unable to have this kind of partial sharing for Octane, that may be a structural problem in your data where you only have face vertices contain a single index value for each face vertex instead of being able to have that kind of partial sharing.

Again, to make it simple just try the cylinder case above, if it does not render as a smooth cylinder in Octane as it does in every other rendering program, it means you have some problem with vertex normal handling.

> however, if you just write what you do now, it will render
> fine once my smoothing group implementation is finished.

That would be great, but it is unlikely because as I have written many times smoothing groups should have absolutely no effect on any rendering if you are actually using the vertex normals as supplied in the file.

It's totally an either-or situation - either you are using the vertex normals as stored in the file to do the shading, OR you are manipulating or creating normals by using smoothing groups, you can't be doing both at the same time.

- Michael
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 From:  radiance
3386.60 In reply to 3386.58 
Sorry but the models that have been given to me by paq do not duplicate vertex normals on shared vertices.

if i ignore the smooth groups that's what i get.
if i use them, the output is fine.


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 From:  radiance
3386.61 In reply to 3386.59 
i am aware of this.

i am parsing the vertices, vertex normals and vertex texcoords,
and you can index as many as you want.

the issue is that people are giving me models from moi3d that do not, as you say you do, multiple references to the same vertices with diffferent vertex normals.

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 From:  PaQ
3386.62 In reply to 3386.60 
Hi Radiance,

That probably because Blender dont import the .obj properly. (a bit like Octane :P)
Looks like the best way to get the vertex normal right in Blender is using the .lwo with some custom blender script.

But that doesn't mean .obj can't handle it, as it works with modo,c4d,maya ...

... I don't have a clue about blender stuffs.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.63 In reply to 3386.61 
Hi Radiance,

> the issue is that people are giving me models from moi3d that do
> not, as you say you do, multiple references to the same vertices
> with diffferent vertex normals.

That will depend on whether the "weld" option was used when exporting from MoI or not.

I would actually suggest to focus on the unwelded case first since that is more simple, that's when there is the same number of 3d, uv, and normal vertices and the faces reference the same index in each.

The cylinder case I posted above is unwelded, but it still does not render properly (in Octane that is, it renders properly in all other renderers), it shows seams between faces but if the vertex normals from the file were used to do the shading there should not be any seams present.

Maybe look for a bug where in some cases you're using the face normal instead of the vertex normals from the file.

I think your problem is that you are only accustomed to working with polygon mesh modeling program output, and in poly modelers it is more common to recalculate or modify the normals a lot (with smoothing groups, etc...) but you should not try to do such things with the output from a CAD program where the normals are actually coming from a more accurate NURBS model so if you manipulate them you are actually messing things up instead of fixing things.

- Michael
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 From:  radiance
3386.64 In reply to 3386.63 
finally ! :)

thanks for that michael, now it makes sense.

the model paq gave me had the weld option enabled i presume ?

i've been trying to solve the issue of people handing models to octane without duplicate vertex normals for angles.
I can actually render those welded models fine if i use the smoothgroups to define the interpolation boundaries of the given vertex normals, that's what i'm trying.

paq -> can you give me a version of the superball OBJ with the weld disabled then pls ?

if there are any residual normal interpolation issues with a propper model i need to investigate it. it could be due to the precision issue bug i fixed yesterday.

i just tried the cylinder model you gave me and that one renders fine, it has indeed got duplicate vertex normals on the cylinder edges at the top/bottom.

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 From:  PaQ
3386.65 In reply to 3386.64 
Hi Radiance,

Here's the unweld version.


EDITED: 3 Dec 2015 by PAQ

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 From:  radiance
3386.66 In reply to 3386.65 
thanks ;)

time to go to bed. i'll work on it tomorrow.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.67 In reply to 3386.64 
Hi Radiance,

> if there are any residual normal interpolation issues with a propper model
> i need to investigate it. it could be due to the precision issue bug
> i fixed yesterday.

The precision issue was related to vertex normals?

Then yes maybe that was causing much of the problems.

> i just tried the cylinder model you gave me and that one renders fine, it
> has indeed got duplicate vertex normals on the cylinder edges at the
> top/bottom.

Yeah, if by duplicates you mean more than one normal that can happen to point in the same direction. Why is that significant for you?

But with the unwelded output, what it won't have is shared vertices, where 2 faces can have a single 3D point in common but have separate normals between them.

If you can get unwelded output to work properly, that would be a significant step, since MoI users could just uncheck that option when exporting to Octane.

- Michael
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 From:  radiance
3386.68 In reply to 3386.67 
shared vertices is not needed.

you can give 1 vertex and 10 vertex normals and then as much faces that reference it, my importer reads those fine.

the strangeness of it all is that models exported with 'high quality vertex normals' in the same moi3d like unwelded fashion render fine with octane, but not the moi ones.

anyways the cylinder you gave renders fine, no facets.
i will test the superball model in unwelded form.

i'm still finishing my vertex normal interpolation via smoothgroups option though, a lot of users have models that are 'welded' and have the usual shading artifacts.

anyways, that will be for tomorrow.

night night.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3386.69 In reply to 3386.68 
Hi Radiance,

> you can give 1 vertex and 10 vertex normals and then as much
> faces that reference it, my importer reads those fine.

Well it wasn't previously - earlier in this thread you can see just a welded box that doesn't work right. That's with an export from both MoI and Modo.

The part to remember is with CAD data you should not be manipulating the vertex normals in any way.

But even if there are problems with welded (shared points but different normals per face), it will be easy for MoI users to just only export unwelded to avoid that.

- Michael


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 From:  vodkamartini
3386.70 In reply to 3386.68 
Still sounds a little off, but I'm not sure where to expand on things at this point. I'm sure there will be further examples/dialogue in the coming days. Have a good night, Radiance.
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