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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.4 In reply to 3377.3 
Hi Val, for a case like that you won't be able to use the edit frame, you'll need to use the Transform commands.

Go to to the Transform palette in the side pane, and use the Transform > Scale > Scale 1D command located here:

That will allow you to pick both the scaling origin and also the scaling direction by clicking 2 points, you can orient the direction in any particular direction that you need to apply the scaling in.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.5 In reply to 3377.3 
Hi Val,

> Also, is there a way to select objects inside objects,

Yup, just doing the regular drag to make a selection rectangle will work for that, see this recent thread for some details:

> and also to see through objects, such as xray shading?

There's a couple of different things you can do - if you go to the View Palette, there's a checkbox there for "Display hidden lines", which you can enable if you want to see hidden curves and edges in a faint dashed line style. That makes it easy to select hidden curves and edges as if they were in a kind of wireframe mode.

You can also hide face sub-objects if you want, just select them and push the hide button. You can also hide all faces quickly by using the scene browser Types section, click the eye icon next to "Faces", and that will hide all faces leaving only wire objects being shown.

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
I was hoping there be a keyboard shortcut to just use the edit frame, the 1D tool takes awhile to setup.
As for the hidden line display this works for objects that are already selected as I am aware. But thanks for the browser point, I forgot I can use it to quickly hide and unhide objects to select what I need. However, a wire frame display, or even better transparent display would be extremely desirable. Also, it would be nice to disable point relations for locked objects.

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 From:  BurrMan
3377.7 In reply to 3377.6 
I dont understand. Looks like transparency to me???

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.8 In reply to 3377.6 
Hi Val,

> I was hoping there be a keyboard shortcut to just use the edit
> frame, the 1D tool takes awhile to setup.

No, there's no special keyboard shortcut for the edit frame to do a 1D scale in some special direction - but that Scale1D command only takes 2 clicks for the setup, one click to define the scaling origin and then a second one for which direction. That's not really very much to set up.

If you have to do a lot of 45 degree angle scales, you might want to instead set your construction plane to the angle that you want to work at - the edit frame is not only fixed to the world orientation, it actually uses the orientation of the ortho views which can be adjusted by setting the current construction plane.

The construction plane tool is under View > CPlane, here:

> As for the hidden line display this works for objects that
> are already selected as I am aware.

Actually when you have it enabled, it works for all objects, selected or not - any edges that would have been hidden will become visible with a faint dashed line, and they are also able to be targeted for selection, kind of like x-raying through to reach edges that would have normally been hidden.

> However, a wire frame display, or even better
> transparent display would be extremely desirable.

Well, the hidden-line mode actually gives you access to all the wires that would otherwise be hidden, so it's basically the same as a wireframe mode, as far as being able to select wires goes.

But if you want you can also hide all faces so that only wires are visible, that's another way to get a wireframe view currently.

If stuff is getting in your way and obscuring your view, really that means you are not using the Hide command enough - hide those things to get them out of your way.

> Also, it would be nice to disable point relations for locked objects.

Check out the Options dialog for various options, that one is included there, under Options > Snaps > Snap to locked objects :

- Michael

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 From:  Val (GAT)
Oh, thanks for that last one!!

The main problem is that I can select lines behind objects but not objects themselves. If I could lets say right click and go through a lit of objects that are behind that point, that would be very nice. The reason why I cannot hide too many objects is because I need them in order to better visualize what new parts to add, where, size, and so on. Like a sculptor making a model of a horse, he is not going to make the head, put that away, make the ears, put those away, anyway you get my point.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.10 In reply to 3377.9 
Hi Val, in the future at some point I may be able to try some alternative selection methods, but it's a pretty complicated area to deal with. Just popping up a huge list of things is not really a very friendly mechanism either.

For now really you are best off with hiding objects that are getting in your way of selecting things. If you do want to hide most of the object but leave some structure of the object in place, then you can do that by selecting all of the object's faces (select 1 face first and then do a Ctrl+A) and then hide them, that will leave the edges of the object to still be displayed but let you pick through it.

Using that method you can set up individual objects into a wireframe type mode.

- Michael


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.11 In reply to 3377.9 
Hi Val, also here is a script you can set up on a shortcut key to make it a bit easier to set an object to "wireframe mode":

script: /* Set selected object to wireframe */ var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getBreps(); for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) breps.item(i).getFaces().setProperty( 'hidden', true ); moi.ui.redrawViewports();

To set this up, go to Options> Shortcut keys, and add in a new entry. Put in whatever you want for the key to trigger it, like maybe W for wireframe, and for the command part paste in the above.

Then with that in place, you can select some objects, and push W to hide their faces and leave their edges showing, turning just those objects into wireframe mode.

When you want to see the whole object again later, just use Edit > Hide to show the hidden faces.

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
3377.12 In reply to 3377.11 
Dont forget when in the show hidden lines mode, you can use Ctrl+Shift to window select objects through the transparency.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.13 In reply to 3377.11 
Here's an alternate version of the previous script - this one sets the selected objects to "wireframe" (faces hidden) mode, and also locks the object as well:

script: /* Set selected object to wireframe and lock it */ var breps = moi.geometryDatabase.getSelectedObjects().getBreps(); for ( var i = 0; i < breps.length; ++i ) { breps.item(i).getFaces().setProperty( 'hidden', true ); breps.item(i).locked = true; } moi.ui.redrawViewports();

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
3377.14 In reply to 3377.13 
Wow, thanks!! I will go testing you suggestions.

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 From:  Val (GAT)
3377.15 In reply to 3377.12 

That didn't work, is there certain situations where it will work?
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 From:  BurrMan
3377.16 In reply to 3377.15 
Michael, Does MoI V.1 have Ctrl+Shift for selection disable?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.17 In reply to 3377.16 
Hi Burr, MoI v1 does also have the Ctrl+Shift for forcing window selection.

Val - maybe it wasn't quite clear from the description exactly what that does. Normally it's when you click in an empty area that you trigger the window selection mechanism.

But if you are zoomed a ways on a model, there can possibly be no empty area available. The screen may be totally full of stuff and if you click and drag on an area of the screen that is not empty where there is an object there, it will move that object around rather than doing a window select.

However, if you hold down Ctrl+Shift it will force window selection to happen no matter where you clicked, even if it was not on an empty area.

So you can use that to make window selections in areas where they would otherwise be difficult.

- Michael
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 From:  Val (GAT)
wait, isn't that the same as Shift+Right Click?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3377.19 In reply to 3377.18 
Hi Val,

> wait, isn't that the same as Shift+Right Click?

No, there isn't anything special for Shift + Right Click - that's the same as just a regular Right click with nothing added.

Right click is used for a couple of different things - when in a command doing a Right click is a shortcut for pushing the "Done" button. When you're not in a command doing a Right click will repeat the last command.

There is another option for window select though, which is if you hold down just the Ctrl key when doing a window select, that makes it a deselection window rather than a selection window.

- Michael
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