Exporting Curves to Alibre?
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 From:  Michael T. (MICTU_UTCIM)
3354.3 In reply to 3354.2 
Hi Hamish,

I have not played around with Alibre for a while since I started using TurboCAD Pro, but if I remember correctly, you can export curves only from MoI as IGES files and then export your solids and surfaces as IGES or STEP files. You could then try to import them into Alibre separately.

Also, Alibre imports 3DM files directly. You should try that as well.

See if that works.

Michael T.
Michael Tuttle a.k.a. mictu http://www.coroflot.com/fish317537
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 From:  Ralf-S
Alibre V12.1 and Moi3D V2

Moi3D V2
Create a 3D Curve (Spline)
Pipe: 0,01mm
Save as *.3.dm

Alibre V12.1
Open an empty 3D part
Insert -> Surface -> *.3dm file
3D Sketch -> Project to Sketch
Toggle Surfaces View OFF
Viola :)

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3354.5 In reply to 3354.4 
Thanks Ralf!

No wonder it was a bit difficult to find, I would not have thought to go to the Insert > Surfaces menu to import curves as well.

So Hamish, it looks like to import curves into Alibre you need to use the steps that Ralf shows above instead of picking the File > Import menu item.

- Michael
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 From:  Ralf-S
Alibre V12.1 and Moi3D V2

Moi3D V2
Create a 3D Surface/Face
Curves -> Loft
Save as *.3.dm

Alibre V12.1
Open an empty 3D part
Insert -> Surface -> *.3dm file

Extrude Boss to Geometry( Face/Surface)


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 From:  Ralf-S
Michael, I`m glad to help. :)
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 From:  Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
Thanks very much for all your help guys. But I'm not quiet there yet...

I only had success after making a planar surface within any lines, (adding extra lines to do so if required) or extruding/lofting curves as per Ralf's second example, before importing to Alibre. Both 3dm and igs files imported fine using this technique. That's an easily created work-around I agree - and makes the 3D sketching in Alibre obsolete :).

Ralf, I'm missing something in your first post, sorry. I don't see and couldn't find what you mean by "pipe: 0.01mm"? Did you sweep a circle dia .01mm along the curve?
After creating a zero-thickness line, or freeform curve, I tried the steps you suggested but nothing showed up in Alibre.
I also tried export from MoI as .3dm as you suggested and after using your steps, got this import error message from Alibre: "ACISERROR_INSERT_NO_FACES: Insert - The File has no faces."

Thanks for the Alibre import method too. It's not intuitive that File >Import... just creates a new file with the imported entities.

I did some searching and see at: www.sycode.com/products/dxf_import_ad/index.htm the author provides a relatively expensive Alibre importer for 3D DXF. On the same page he states (as you mentioned Michael):

"Alibre Design already has an AutoCAD DXF import feature. However, this import feature creates a 2D drawing in Alibre Design by reading 2d geometric objects such as curves and ignores 3D solids. DXF Import for Alibre Design removes this limitation by giving Alibre Design the ability to read 3D solid geometric data such as ACIS 3D solids, bodies and regions in an AutoCAD DXF file and create corresponding 3D solid models in an Alibre Design part document."

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 From:  Ralf-S

Please take a look: Pipe

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 From:  Hamish Mead (HAIRYKIWI)
3354.10 In reply to 3354.9 
Danke Ralf!

Michael, any chance we could have one page that lists all available commands AND scripts? It would be really useful for us newer users.

Thanks again,
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3354.11 In reply to 3354.10 
Hi Hamish,

> Michael, any chance we could have one page that lists all
> available commands AND scripts? It would be really useful for
> us newer users.

Check out Petr's page here:

It's listed near the top of the "Resources" page from the main web site:

- Michael

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