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 From:  Michael Gibson
3349.2 In reply to 3349.1 
Hi Tharso, one way that may be pretty quick for this is to first build a large uninterrupted revolved solid and then cut some holes in it with Booleans.

That would go something like this - start with an outline drawn in the Top view, which looks like this:

Use the Construct > Revolve command to build a revolved solid from it like this:

That then forms the basic surface shape of the wheel. Now you can cut away parts to make the spokes. To do that, switch to the front or side view and draw in a profile curve like this:

Then use Transform > Array > Circular to copy that around in a circle 6 times to have this curve setup:

You may actually find it useful to draw in some initial lines and replicate them around with Array Circular first, to get a nice starting symmetrical wedge curve framework to use when drawing that piece.

So anyway at this point you've got an arrangement like this:

Now select the revolved solid, and run Construct > Boolean > Diff and pick those 6 curves as the cutting objects. They will cut holes in your revolved solid to form spokes, like this:

In your case, you've also got a secondary nested layer of spokes that are staggered from the first, you would probably want to repeat these steps with a different arrangement of holes and possibly a slightly different shaped starting surface to form that secondary layer as a separate object, then use Construct > Boolean > Union to fuse those 2 together into one piece if you need them to be one piece.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3349.3 In reply to 3349.1 
Hi Tharso, here's how you might arrange some initial curves to help with drawing a nice symmetrical wedge.

I started with a rectangle that I drew with the Draw curve > Rect > Center command, like this:

Then select it and run Transform > Array > Circular and set the option Item count = 6, to get this:

Draw in a couple of circles (or if you want to control thickness maybe draw in 1 circle and then use Construct > Offset to create the second one at a specific thickness value away from the first one):

Now you can kind of see that you have an outline there that can form the basis for your wedge. You could just use Edit > Separate to break everything into individual lines at this point, or you can also use Edit > Trim to cut pieces with one another.

Also the booleans will work to cut up closed curves as well, so that's actually easiest in this case, just select everything and run Construct > Boolean > Union, and the pieces will all cut each other and make this result:

Now you can delete everything else other than that wedge and work off of it knowing that you have a nice piece with radial symmetry.

Like you might put some fillets on it to round the corners off, use it as as a basis for snapping on to when drawing some new curves, whatever you want to do as you create the shape for the holes.

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3349.4 In reply to 3349.1 
It kind of looks like you were working on modeling the solid parts as a 1/6 part to replicate around, instead of maybe focusing more on just modeling the holes and then cutting with them?

In some more complex cases that can be good to model the solid pieces as a 1/6 part, but if it is possible to have a single larger piece that then gets cut up that tends to be quicker.

- Michael
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 From:  Tharso
3349.5 In reply to 3349.2 
Thank you so much Michael !!..I did almost it!! after million tries .. ok now I know that is a best approach... I did a mistake.. I did the boolean dif.. with some curved line from the first crazy revolve.. sometimes it didnt work..I dunno if boolean dif with curved lines is a problem..
I had a big problem with secondary nested layer of spokes.. I will try this way.. I did with cuted spokes of the first, and I found out very hard to do a boolean.. and for the end.. very hard to do the fillets.
I will try it way with a secondary layer of spokes from the first and then the fillets.. I will come back later with success or fail =).
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 From:  Tharso
3349.6 In reply to 3349.5 
Oh ! you are so fast.. i did my post and not saw the last 1.. I will try now.. There is no price your help.. with it noob wheel i am learning a lot!!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3349.7 In reply to 3349.5 
Hi Tharso, yeah you cannot normally do a boolean difference with a curve that is going around in 3D space, it must be planar.

So you usually want to try and work with drawing 2D curves more often. They will become 3D in the end when they get automatically extruded and projected, but it is a lot easier to let the booleans and intersections produce the 3D curves rather than trying to draw fully 3D ones yourself, when possible.

So if you shape has some well defined profiles of it, try to work more on drawing 2D profile curves to describe them, and then build shapes from some of them, and use others to cut with.

For the secondary layer of spokes, try to imagine what they would look like if they were existing all by themselves, they would look something similar to the first layer, just with a different pattern, like the holes will be different shaped and be rotated a half step or something from the original one.

Model them like that first, as if they were a shape all by themselves, and then you can work on combining them in with the other part.

If you run into difficulties, try to post your current model that you're working on - 3DM format is actually the best format to save it in while you are in the middle of working on it, only use .STP format if you need to export to a different CAD system.

- Michael
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 From:  Tharso
3349.8 In reply to 3349.6 
>In some more complex cases that can be good to model the solid pieces as a 1/6 part, but if it is possible to have a single larger piece that then gets cut up that tends to be quicker.

I did 1/4 solid part.. but no success when I tried Boolean ... I did only without the secondary part joined with boolean .. when all merged with no fillets I could not do the booleans..

sry my english
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 From:  Tharso
3349.9 In reply to 3349.7 
Perfect, I will try now.

>If you run into difficulties, try to post your current model that you're working on - 3DM format is actually the best format to save it in while you are in the middle of working on it, only use .STP format if you need to export to a different CAD system.

ok sry..next time I go to Moi before send the file... I save my work in 3dm always.. but MoI to viacad and vice versa the best for me is step..thats why I sent step file.. I discovered viacad in one post that u did.. and I use it for some bruteforce booleans and fillets.. it help noobs do thinks when cant get the right way I think.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3349.10 In reply to 3349.9 
Hi Tharso, no problem - I just wasn't sure if you were saving it in .stp for your regular work while inside of MoI.

- Michael
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