MoI -> Octane render (little problems)
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3334.3 In reply to 3334.2 
Wow thanks Michael, that was a fast answer ! Its working !
Very happy to be able to do that inside MoI, its very powefull

Next models I will do I will try to separate things a little bit more
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 From:  Dan (CORNYSH)
3334.4 In reply to 3334.2 
Michael, have you documented the script somewhere? It would be nice to have access to the script, even if we don't yet not programmatic access to the API.

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 From:  candide
And can we maybe get a javascript console window (perhaps opened the same way the log window is) for running and testing such scripts, instead of having to create shortcuts? I'm pretty sure Michael already has such thing for his own use & development.

And to derail this thread further: it's fascinating to open the script console in Maya and watch how the whole program sends commands to do things that you can capture and recreate in your own script. Is Moi built in a similar way?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3334.6 In reply to 3334.4 
Hi Dan,

> Michael, have you documented the script somewhere?

I'm not sure what you mean actually - that was a custom script that I created to do specifically what DesuDeus was asking about...

It's documented now right here in the forum I guess! :)

Do you mean you want me to add some comments to it to describe what the script is doing? If you like I could break it down into a more readable format which would help explain what the script is doing.

Right now it is all compressed to a single line so it can be pasted directly in to the shortcut key editor.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3334.7 In reply to 3334.5 
Hi candide,


And can we maybe get a javascript console window (perhaps opened the same way the log window is) for running and testing such scripts, instead of having to create shortcuts?

Yes, eventually I want to have some more friendly stuff for scripting support. Probably the initial focus won't be on a console window so much as a "script library" that would make it easier to have scripts stored and referenced by a friendly name instead of just directly pasted into the shortcut key editor.


I'm pretty sure Michael already has such thing for his own use & development.

No, I usually just write scripts like this by referring to the moi.idl file (available here for the syntax of what properties and methods are available and then type it in using Notepad, then paste it into a shortcut key.

Is Moi built in a similar way?

Kind of, in MoI each command is a script that controls the workflow of the command, like it decides when to hide and show UI, when to call various services like object picking or point picking, etc... You can see the various command scripts in the \commands subfolder underneath MoI's main installation folder.

- Michael
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 From:  Dan (CORNYSH)
3334.8 In reply to 3334.6 
>I'm not sure what you mean actually - that was a custom script that I created
>to do specifically what DesuDeus was asking about...

I understand that. What I mean is that it would be nice to have the script functionality documented so that we could easily make our own scripts. Or have I just missed the help page that describes script syntax? Is it just as simple as concatenating lots of commands?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3334.9 In reply to 3334.8 
Hi Dan, in MoI a command is a bunch of script as well, so script is kind of "lower level" than a command - commands themselves are made up of it.

Unfortunately it takes a lot of time and effort to do a full documentation for all the scripting stuff, so I don't have any proper documentation for it right now. If I were to switch over to work on it, that would mean taking time away from other more regular features which currently have a higher priority.

The closest thing available to documentation currently is the moi.idl file which lists all the various properties and methods that are available to script. You can find a link to it here:

The script programming language itself is JavaScript, and there are a lot of resources available to learn how the JavaScript language itself works, here is one of the main books about it: link.

- Michael
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 From:  Dan (CORNYSH)
3334.10 In reply to 3334.9 
>If I were to switch over to work on it, that would mean taking time away from other
> more regular features which currently have a higher priority.

Understood - limited resources. I too would sooner have you work on more core features.
The site is very useful.

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