Augenblick - Version 0.8 available!
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 From:  PaQ
3298.38 In reply to 3298.37 
Hi Numenus,

Well actually air also support nurbs very well (reyes dicing, so you don't have to worry about meshing) ... and well, it's a renderman compliant renderer.
But for sure it's not realtime ...

So far I haven't get any success with the superior obj RenderGin import, (maybe rendergin dont support ngones ?) ... and I have to admit I don't have the
will to beta testing stuff for the moment. Looks like I can't import nurbs either in demo mode, so it's not easy to evaluate the software ;)
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
Soory, I must have missed something. I thought Rendergin worked with Nurbs models. I just downloaded the beta and cannot find any way to open anything other than OBJ files. How do I import a MOI file? The alpha version had 3dm files as an option. This has disappeared.

Also it won't load large OBJ files exported out of MoI. How do I use this application?
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 From:  Numenus
3298.40 In reply to 3298.38 
Hey PaQ,

is it possible that you send us the OBJ file causing problems? We will use it internally only of course. It is also okay to send only parts of the models if the issues are reproducable.

Why can't you test the NURBS in demo mode? Is your evaluation (30 day trial) running? we had expirienced issues where they trial won't activate correctly. If you are running in "free mode" (displayed in the welcome window) then please send us your Installation-ID (to be found in the License Manager) and I can send you an unlock code which will give you the 30 day trial.


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