Augenblick - Version 0.8 available!
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
Sorry, it doesn't work with MoI files (or Rhino files either). Nice try. Maybe the next version...

Have you actually tested this with real files?
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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3298.3 In reply to 3298.2 
Did you check importing a Rhino(3dm) file that contained the tessellated mesh? Quite a number of renderers that claim to import 3dm files actually read the mesh info and not the NURBS data.

I did download to have a look, but the program wanted internet connection to call home before it would run, so I removed it.
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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
I just tested it under OSX und it does import NURBS data from the Rhino OSX beta as you can see, but the surfaces are not trimmed. :-( (or maybe i´m doing something wrong here...)


EDITED: 30 Oct 2016 by STEFAN

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 From:  amur (STEFAN)
Well, ok more importantly i fired up Bootcamp loaded the same Rhino file into MoI 1.1 and then re-saved it from MoI, but the results in Augenblick are the same.

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 From:  Numenus
Hi guys,

just discovered this thread here. I am CEO of the company developing the Software. On September 1st we are going to release the beta Version of the Software now called RenderGin. We actually really do read the NURBS data directly, since we have a technology to render them without tessellation, which is a pretty cool thing. In the old alpha demos trimming was disabled that is correct. The beta however, will be fully functional.

If you want to help us, feel free to send us some IGES or 3dm files for us to check if our loaders get them correctly. Additionally if you want to, we can make some of your models available as example files, to be downloaded directly from within our software. We have a locking option, of cousr, so that you dataset cannot be used except for looking at in RenderGin (i.e. no export to other apps etc.)

I would be happy if you would give the beta version a try, since I think especially with the direct NURBS support we are a perfect match for MOI users :)

Best regards,

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 From:  Numenus
3298.7 In reply to 3298.6 
I attached a screenshot of the current pre-beta build, since the 0.9.5 alpha is quite very old. Rendered is an image of a NURBS dataset with around 1200 NURBS-surfaces and a few thousand trimming curves. Again, note that there is not a single triangle in that scene - ever! Therefor you can zoom in as close as you want and you'll never see edges of triangles. Rendertimes are also very short - this on was rendering one or two minutes or so, however, the image looked nearly the same already after a few second. Computed on an Core 2 Duo, no graphics hardware involved.

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 From:  NightCabbage

That's cool! I am very interested in trying this out :)

You make me look forward to September :)
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 From:  TwinSnakes
Cant wait to try to the BETA! This looks like a very promising piece of software.
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 From:  BurrMan
3298.10 In reply to 3298.7 
Hello Oliver,
Do you have a rough target price for your app yet??? To go with MoI?
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 From:  Numenus
3298.11 In reply to 3298.10 
Hello BurrMan,

the price of the normal Version (that is excluding the direct NURBS ray tracing, i.e. "normal" triangular only) will be roughly around 800€ - the price of the Pro Version including the NURBS is still in discussion with our reseller partners.

However, if technically possible and here are enough guys around that do want to have this I was thinking about some sort of special RenderGin-MoI-Edition that will have roughly the same price tag as MoI itself and then only imports the native file format of MoI. However I do not yet know if this is technically doable so I cannot give a promise on this one yet.

In any case, the beta Version will be free of charge and can be used until end of November. Additionally during that beta phase it will be possible to buy the software already at a discount of 30% (and then receiving the 1.0 release for free of course)

Bets regards,
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 From:  Grendel
3298.12 In reply to 3298.11 
I would pick up a MOI edition in a heartbeat
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 From:  BurrMan
3298.13 In reply to 3298.11 
Hi Oliver, Thanks! Do your best with your cohorts on the MoI edition. That sounds attractive..... Good Luck!
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 From:  WillBellJr
Oh happy day - a NURBS rendering app!

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 From:  steve (STEVE_HOME)
3298.15 In reply to 3298.13 
Well from what I read on their forum, I was under the impression that the "Advanced Version" would cost more than 19.99 but not more than 400, or maybe I read it wrong.

quote from =


>>"But what I can say for sure is that the Advanced version will be not as cheap as 19,99€ but it will also not cost like 400€. The Pro Version will be another thing, which is even harder to tell right now "<<

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 From:  TwinSnakes
Count me in for a MOI version, this sounds like a great companion to MOI3D.
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 From:  BurrMan
3298.17 In reply to 3298.15 
Hi Steve... I read that as a typo and think they mean 1,900.00 Euros which is roughly $2,500
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 From:  Sharif (SR13765)
Count me also on MOI version.
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 From:  candide
While I like the idea of Moi-centered/priced version and would probably buy one, I'm under the impression that Moi uses the standard nurbs file format, which also works with Rhino etc. As such there's no native Moi file format, is there?
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
3298.20 In reply to 3298.19 

"the price of the normal Version (that is excluding the direct NURBS ray tracing, i.e. "normal" triangular only) will be roughly around 800€ - the price of the Pro Version including the NURBS is still in discussion with our reseller partners."

And how much will that be? €3,000? Without Nurbs, it is useless for MoI.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3298.21 In reply to 3298.19 
Hi candide,

> I'm under the impression that Moi uses the standard nurbs
> file format, which also works with Rhino etc. As such there's
> no native Moi file format, is there?

Yes, MoI does not have a special proprietary "MoI only" file format, it uses the 3DM file format (same as Rhino) for its primary format.

- Michael
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