Chamfer not working
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 From:  NightCabbage
Ok, I've come across a problem, and I'm not sure what's causing it...

See the hole / overlap of the surface on the curves?

Why is it doing this?

(it's a network on some curves)

Trimming problem?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3292.10 In reply to 3292.9 
Hi NightCabbage - actually there is nothing wrong there at all, that's just a display artifact from getting a coarse display mesh in that area.

That can tend to happen in areas that are pretty shallowly curved - not quite enough triangles got added into that spot.

That is something I want to tune up in the future, but for now the solution is to just treat it as a side effect of the display and ignore it.

If you see a more chaotic appearance in areas like that, like with maybe some dark streaks, then that is something to be more worried about.

When you go to export, you will have a chance with the export mesher to get more polygons in those areas if you want by using the "Divide larger than" setting.

The display mesher is more oriented towards doing things very quickly and in some situations it takes some shortcuts which can have a slight visual side effect like you have run into here.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Oh, good! I was hoping it was something like that :)
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