fillet enhancement?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3287.28 In reply to 3287.27 
Hi Brian,

Was it just January--

Bullet Physics---Free

Ptex in 3DC now, Bullet even coming in the next version of Carrara.

Those things are pretty cool!

But what does that have to do with the topic being discussed here: variable radius NURBS fillets?

- Michael
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 From:  Marc (TELLIER)
> Fillets are an enormously complex area and cannot be easily coded from scratch without many many man-years of effort just on those areas alone

Hi Michael, variable fillets would be cool but if it represents 80 weeks of work to implement, I can easily live without them!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3287.30 In reply to 3287.29 
Hi Marc,

> Hi Michael, variable fillets would be cool but if it represents
> 80 weeks of work to implement, I can easily live without them!

In my case it is not as dire as that, because the geometry library that I have licensed does have support for it.

So I do expect to be able to have these once I get a chance to design a UI for it.

The many many years effort would be for someone trying to code them up completely from scratch instead of licensing a library to do it.

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Ah, in that case, it's a definitely wish list item for a "not too distant update" :P

Good news :)
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