Some Parts modelled with moi
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 From:  Anis
3276.2 In reply to 3276.1 
Hi Tijai...

Nice model and rendering.
About the final render, how you can get the final render like image below :


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 From:  tijai
3276.3 In reply to 3276.2 
Hello Anis,

this was very simple.. just a bumpmap like the attached example (croped).. applied on standard (modo)glas.
I got this "trick" from the modo-forum...

best regards,


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3276.4 In reply to 3276.1 
Hi tijai, I'm glad that you like MoI!

Your models and renders are looking really great!

It's probably going to take a while to build your whole bike piece by piece like this, but the end result should look really nice!

- Michael
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 From:  ed (EDDYF)

EDITED: 12 Mar 2010 by EDDYF

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3276.6 In reply to 3276.1 
Hi tijai,

Welcome and nice work there, your models and renders have come up sweet!
Is it possible to see a MoI screen shot of the head lamp, I'd like to see the surface structure, if you don't mind that is :)

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 From:  -ash-
3276.7 In reply to 3276.6 
Hi tijai,

Yes, MoI and modo make a good team :-)

Very nice work so far.


(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  tijai
3276.8 In reply to 3276.6 
Hi and thanks for the comments,

yes it will took a while complete the whole bike :-)
but i will make nice renderings from every part i build.. so a lot of images will follow the next time...

danny: attached is the screenshot of the headlamp... this was really tricky for me, but at the end it was more simple than i thought:-)
the surface is not 100% like the real one, but very very close (98%:-))

best regards,


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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
3276.9 In reply to 3276.8 
You inspired me to have a go.
The lamp reminded me of the Triumph 500 Speed Twin of my courting days in the 1950-53 period.
Rendering in Carrara 7 Pro.

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 From:  Brian (BWTR)
With some rendering advice and some extra MoI modelling.

Image Attachments:
Size: 23.3 KB, Downloaded: 47 times, Dimensions: 640x480px
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