Little edge selection bug after an undo.

 From:  PaQ
Hi Michael,

I just catch a little bug here:

1) Create a volume
2) select 1 or more edges
3) click outside the volume (so you deselect your edge selection)
4) Undo (the selection is back, that's great)

The problem is that you can't select any other edges until you move the camera.

Is it clear ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3272.2 In reply to 3272.1 
Hi PaQ, I can repeat that over here.

Thanks for reporting it - just right in time to get fixed for v2!

- Michael
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 From:  NightCabbage
Hmm also...

Say you have 2 objects.

You hide one.
Then you move the other.
Then you go undo, to undo the move.
Now the second object is unhidden (in a buggy way that sometimes doesn't update until you try to move something).

I'm not sure how to reproduce it though... probably not much help in that case...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3272.4 In reply to 3272.3 
Hi NightCabbage, I can't seem to reproduce the problem...

Please let me know if you find any steps that will trigger it.

Maybe you were running into the same bug that PaQ reported though, which was for selection undo.

There's a special kind of undo that is available temporarily when you do a selection or visibility change. Immediately after you change the selection or visibility of any objects, if you made a mistake you can do an undo to restore the previous selection or visibility state, but unlike other undo actions these ones do not get saved in the actual undo stack for multiple steps because it would be annoying to have to step through every single selection action that you did while trying to recover geometry.

- Michael
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