Octane material ball made by MoI 3D
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3265.5 In reply to 3265.4 
I will be very proud to add you in my friends list ;)
I think that Octane forum gonna have a French forum very soon ! (I already asked in the forum)
If you do like you done with MoI 3D (speaking about MoI 3D in every forum in the world)
Octane gonna grow a strong french community :)

Thank's again Michael Gibson for your awesome software
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 From:  Micha
3265.6 In reply to 3265.1 
"And also thanks to MoI 3D booleans, 31 bubbles boolean in 2 sec :) That's amazing"

Boolean without intersecting surfaces? Is it possible? It should cause no geometry changes, only the bubble surface normals should be inverted and bubbles and sphere should be one polysurface. Are my thoughts right?

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3265.7 In reply to 3265.5 
@Desudeus Maybe this can interest you ;)
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3265.8 In reply to 3265.7 
Ouais j'ai vu l'ecorobot
Great ecorobot

Featured on Octane Render Users group in Vimeo

French forum is available on Octane forum (aussitôt demandé, aussitôt fait)
We need you Pilou :D
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3265.9 In reply to 3265.6 
"Boolean without intersecting surfaces? Is it possible? It should cause no geometry changes, only the bubble surface normals should be inverted and bubbles and sphere should be one polysurface. Are my thoughts right?"

Yeah I selected the sphere, then the bubbles, hit boolean by difference
And it was done :D

Amazing heh?
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3265.10 In reply to 3265.8 
Thx for that! :)
Now I must register :)
I have made publicity for your new French Forum ;)
See you soon!
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3265.11 In reply to 3265.1 
Hi DesuDeus, that's a cool render test model!

The renderings from Octane are looking great!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3265.12 In reply to 3265.6 
Hi Micha,

> Boolean without intersecting surfaces? Is it possible?

Yes - in MoI you can boolean away an object that is completely contained inside of another with no intersecting surfaces, to make a solid that has an inner void cavity.

You may not be used to that since it is not possible to do that in Rhino.

You can also use Shell to create that kind of void cavity as well.

- Michael
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 From:  Samuel Zeller
3265.13 In reply to 3265.12 
Yes I used shell to do the ball, then I cut the Octane logo (the Octane logo is not a simple extrude, there's a scaling rail also)

Then I was able to boolean the bubbles :)
Amazing feature to be able to create watertight solids with void inside !
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