Hi Michael ...
I like the UI the way it is ... or maybe I should say the philosophy behind it. Lots of ready availability of commands in the smallest possible space, all logically organized. For me it is simple and intuitive though it may take a couple of clicks to get to the layer of command I want to use.
Another modeler I use (less and less now) has fly out windows that always land in the middle of my model ... confusing to the eye.
I personally have a dual screen setup ... rather large monitors, and this other software allows for dual screen viewing so I have one completely filled with the icons I use all the time though there are still many more I rarely use and can't fit there. The problem with this setup, in my mind, is that the eye has to search frequently to find the visible icons I use less often . But it is more comfortable for me personally than flyouts in the middle of my model. Neither approach is more comfortable for me than the solutions you have worked out for MoI. Overall the couple of mouse clicks are less time consuming and less confusing than a screen full of icons.
I would like to be able to use the dual screen with MoI, sometime in the future. I would not want to change the UI or the way it functions ... just move it off the main monitor to give my drawing board the whole territory. I do architectural work and like to be able to see a whole plan at a scale that still shows a fair amount of detail (and readable text when MoI has built in text).
I recognize that this request, too, may be a time consuming effort and not a very high priority for most users. I imagine the day, though, when I can have one setup for my office monster and another (your default) for my 17" laptop. Still using exactly the same UI.
Overall I think maybe we have spent enough forum time on this subject.