futher plans

 From:  andras
hello Michael!

In this year do you plan any section command ? it is horrible to project elements almost on by one ...
The curve selection and the new silhouette command are great anyway ...
The main problemens most of the time is with the coverd object (objects what is covered by other objects) So there is no a special command what can filter the unexpected covered lines ... and I have to delete and cut manually ...


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3225.2 In reply to 3225.1 
Hi andras,

> In this year do you plan any section command ? it is horrible
> to project elements almost on by one ...

Maybe, but I'm not entirely sure yet - how would you expect a section command to be any different than drawing a line and projecting it?

Also I don't quite understand what you mean by "to project elements almost on by one" - when you select the projection targets you are not restricted to only have to select target objects one by one, you can use any kind of normal selection at that time such as window selection or "Select All", etc...

Why are you picking things one by one if you want to project on to everything? Why not just use Ctrl+A for that?

Re: Silhouette - yeah as you've seen generating the silhouettes is not entirely the same thing as generating an automatic full hidden line drawing. It gives you all the "ingredients", meaning you have all the curve pieces that should be in the final drawing but it does not deal with visibility so you will still need to cut pieces and discard stuff that is supposed to be hidden.

I do intend to work on a more complete automatic hidden line removal function in the future.

- Michael
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 From:  andras
3225.3 In reply to 3225.2 
Well an hidden line removal would be the most importatn thing for 2D detailing that would be an key.
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 From:  Fredrik (FREDRIKW)
3225.4 In reply to 3225.2 

Section views can be useful both for presentation and to help understanding the shape one is working on.
Here is a this plug-in for Rhino, made by Asuni-Cad.
I think the way it can use a 3d clipping object for showing the internals objects to be intuitive and easy to use.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
3225.5 In reply to 3225.4 
Hi Fredrik - yeah a clipping plane type mechanism is a little different than a section command though.

A section command would generate curves - see for example the Rhino "section" command rather than that Asuni plug-in.

But you should be able to get the exact same result as a section curve generation command with MoI's current Project command, just draw a line and use Project.

- Michael
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