Just an incorrect accuracy

 From:  andras
Hello Michael and (Others)!

Please can you check this form, please? I have already set the highest accuracy Angle value and I switched on the "Add details to infections) but not properly yet... So the probleme that I have got an objectshape what I cut but the Shape of the object is over the seam of its. any idea?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3195.2 In reply to 3195.1 
Hi andras, your shape is fine - that's just a display mesh artifact that you should ignore.

The edge curves are drawn at a very high level of accuracy, down to a individual pixel level.

The display mesh is calculated only once for an object and so does not perfectly represent it at all zoom levels, and it will tend to be a bit rough in areas that are very shallowly curved like you have in that spot there, because breaking things just by angle does not really subdivide it enough in areas that are fairly long but only have very shallow curvature.

In the future I want to make some additional paramters to use for additionally subdividing the display mesh, something like a "chord height" metric that should help to refine areas like this.

But currently when you see something like this, it is just a purely visual problem with the display mesh, so just ignore it.

One thing you can try to verify it is to export to a mesh format, the export mesher has some additional parameters like "divide larger than" which you can use to more finely dice the export mesh and if you have some reason to actually suspect a problem in that area you can see if the export mesh is well behaved there or if it looks like it has a problem as well.

If you saw some additional flaws like dark patches, then that would be more cause for concern and could indicate that there is a messy surface structure with overlapping or bunched up points. But your case here does not have anything like that, it is purely a lack of display mesh refinement.

It is a major goal of the display mesher to be as fast as possible, so you do not have to wait very long for the mesh to be generated each time you edit your model. That's why it does not try to just extremely heavily subdivide everything, that would then cause a lot more waiting for the mesh to be generated while modeling.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3195.3 In reply to 3195.1 
Hi andras, one other note - I do not recommend that you leave your display mesh angle set to a small angle value, because that will cause a slowdown and increased memory consumption.

The default is 10 degrees, and you should probably not set it any lower than that for regular use, unless you plan to only make some very simple objects only.

- Michael
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 From:  andras
3195.4 In reply to 3195.3 
Hello Michael!

Yes, I considered no problem. The Shape is ok all right ... anyway the new orient tool is fantastic and very useful I like that !
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