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 From:  nycL45
3177.9 In reply to 3177.8 
Maybe it could be a choice - equal weight to all and greater weight to ends. A choice of "greater weight to all except ends" does not seem to make sense when there can be so many snap points in small area. Those do require zooming in.

Anyway, thanks for taking the time to listen and respond. The tags are a great help and I will get comfortable with zooming.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3177.10 In reply to 3177.9 
Hi Leonard, well you can actually make it set up to have end with greater weight right now, because you can set it so that the only snap enabled is End.

To do that, go to the little menu that pops up over the Object Snap button here:

When you click on that arrow, this menu will pop up:

Go to the one labeled End and right-click on it - when you do that all the other snaps will turn off and leave only End enabled:

Now when you move your mouse around, the only thing you will grab on to are Ends.

Go back there and right-click on End again to re-enable the other ones if you need them later.

That gives you some explicit control over which kind of snaps will be available.

A weighting effect could be good to experiment with in the future as well, but it may have a problem of it kind of "drowning out" other snaps without quite as much explicit control as this checkbox menu gives you.

- Michael

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 From:  nycL45
3177.11 In reply to 3177.10 
That is going to help and will be used! Great idea. I saw the triangle but thought that was for a future feature.

Thanks for the tip.

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