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 From:  tyglik
3175.22 In reply to 3175.21 
Note, that old RebuildCurve script doesn't show the curve control points in case of ThroughPts mode. It just highlights an "intersection" between the origin curve and new one (i.e. sample points).
Also it is possible to modify the Rebuild.js file using in-line script: moi.geometryDatabase.showPoints(); to meet your needs ;)

By the way, I have renamed that custom command to avoid a confusion - now it is called ReconstructCurve.

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 From:  BurrMan
3175.23 In reply to 3175.22 
I use this tool alot and it seems to work for me????I can show points and see rebuilding points also either on curve through points curve or curve control points mode.

Can you elaborate more about what you posted?
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 From:  BurrMan
3175.24 In reply to 3175.23 
Never mind, I think I see what you are saying. It doesnt show the "weighted points". It shows as if through points is used.
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