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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.50 In reply to 3170.49 
Hi Pilou, yes your profiles should definitely be planar for the mitering to work.

You can make your rail to be non-planar but not the profiles.

I suppose I should probably detect if the profile is non-planar and not attempt to do mitering in that case since it will mostly just make a mess, I'll add that to my list to look at.

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
3170.51 In reply to 3170.50 
yes because when you move the profil after the first process, the update calculate becomes very very long so only Esc can be done if you want a reasonable time !!!!
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 From:  Nick (BODINI)
3170.52 In reply to 3170.41 
re: orient

well, i'll be! i just saw on my pc here, an old screenshot i did to ask about this... and now its reality. sweeet!

Cross it off the wish list brother!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.53 In reply to 3170.52 
Hi Nick,

> well, i'll be! i just saw on my pc here, an old screenshot i did
> to ask about this... and now its reality. sweeet!

How cool is that when your wish becomes a reality ? :)

I think the screenshot you are mentioning is this one ?

> Cross it off the wish list brother!

Crossed off now!

While I was at it, I noticed that several others of your wishes are now reality as well so I crossed some other ones off too:

- Checkbox for hide/show view controls in Options dialog,
(Added in v2 under Options > View > Show view controls)

- Some sort of visual confirmation (non-interrupting flash somewhere, message, something like that...) That a Save, Save As, or Incremental Save has finished successfully.
(Added in the previous v2 beta there is an asterisk * marker that shows up at the end of the current file name in the upper-right area of the window when you have made any changes to the model. When you Save/SaveAs/Incremental Save, the asterisk goes away, you can look for that as a confirmation).

- Inscribed / Circumscribed option for Polygon command.
(That's another new thing in this most recent Dec-19 v2 beta, it's a Circumscribed checkbox option for the Polygon command. Unchecked = inscribed (default) and checked = circumscribed).

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
3170.54 In reply to 3170.47 
Hi Michael...

>Instead of separating the model into completely individual surfaces, you can instead select these 2 sets of
>faces (with a crossing right-to-left window selection after having selected just 1 face first):

Yes, this help a lot.... :)
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 From:  WillBellJr
Okay, thanks Michael, I understand now - basically it'll create all your different shapes in on go.

I thought perhaps there was some other kind of generation where the rails were used together - I guess perhaps something like with the scaling rail included - just wasn't sure what you meant about sweeping multiple rails at the same time...

Welp I'm happy! I can go back and revisit a model when I first started using MoI and I tried to do a certain shape with the 1-rail sweep that didn't work.

Of course I could redo it with all the tricks and tips I've learned since then but then what fun is that! :-P

Thanks again Michael for a great update!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.56 In reply to 3170.55 
Hi Will, yeah it's kind of like a "batch mode" for one-rail type sweeping.

It doesn't do any kind of new shaping, it's just more convenient for applying the same profile sweep along a whole bunch of paths without having to repeat the sweep command over and over again.

The connection to Pipe is that previously Pipe was the main thing available that would handle doing a batch process for making a lot of tubes.

Pipe still may be useful for some special things since it includes the option to make hollowed out tubes. But also Pipe only is set to make a circular cross-section and not just any cross-section curve like regular Sweep.

But unless you want to make a whole bunch of hollowed out tubes, you probably don't really need Pipe anymore.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
Still working on the release notes, probably won't have them ready until tomorrow.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
Actually I was just about to reinstall Pipe2 exactly for the hollowed out functionality.

Thinking further, it would sorta be nice if that inner diameter (width in this case?) was carried forward to the new sweep capabilities.

The one thing I do in addition to piping is adding >ducts< which are usually some rectangular shape or similar. Having an inner diameter now for those would be nice.

I guess I could run the 1-rails with a smaller profile object and subtract from the larger one however...

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.59 In reply to 3170.58 
Hi Will,

> I guess I could run the 1-rails with a smaller profile object
> and subtract from the larger one however...

That's exactly what the Pipe command does - it is basically a macro for making 2 sweeps and then booleaning the small center one from the large one.

I'm not sure exactly how a width or diameter would work for all cases with sweep, because sweep is not limited to only have a circle or rectangle cross-section, it can have any curve as the cross-section shape including non-planar ones...

In the future I would like to do something to make it possible to select a kind of group of curves for one cross-section, like this for example:

That would be more general purpose than having a single width or diameter parameter.

I have that on my list of stuff to look at for sweep in the future, but I'm not sure exactly when that will happen - definitely not for v2 though.

- Michael

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 From:  WillBellJr
3170.60 In reply to 3170.59 
That would be wonderful Michael!

Being able to create a profile like that would allow me to "core out" the inside of my sweeps with any kind of internal shaping - as always, the better way to do things... ;-)

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