Groups postponed until v3
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 From:  danperk (SBEECH)
Thanks for keeping us posted Michael. I too can wait for groups
and have a good system for export that does what I need with V2.
You're design path of V2 is first rate, and I'm looking forward to
the release. :)

Hopefully V3 will add some other export options (perhaps Collada)
that will support parent/child relationships.
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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3170.19 In reply to 3170.1 
Hi Michael,

No probs on the groups.
I just like to say that you're doing a great job for all users and it has been and still is a great experience following the progress of this well thought out software.
As mentioned many times before the support you provide, being a one man show, is unbelievable compared to the big guns, you make it a personal experience, we (MoI users) feel like that we are dealing with one of our mates.
It shows in the software and support that you are very passionate in getting things right the first time and not just hacking some code together to get it out there with the fix it later attitude, that to me, and I think a lot of others, is a refreshing experience when it comes to software.

Stick to the path you're taking and you have my full support.

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 From:  BurrMan
3170.20 In reply to 3170.14 
Nothing like hoping for a sharp needle in the spine to look for relief!!!

Respect for our Mrs' for that one. :o

Although in your case, perhaps a tall one and a warm Saki when it's all over!
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 From:  George (GKSL4)
3170.21 In reply to 3170.19 
From DannyT (DANTAS)

<Stick to the path you're taking and you have my full support.>

I second that

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 From:  Anis
3170.22 In reply to 3170.11 
Hi Michael...

>I will probably take at least a few weeks at the start to do some general UI experimentation though.
Interesting, Which area of the main UI you will improve in the next V3 ?

BWT, are you agree if MoI users create Top 10 Wish List ?
From the top 10, you not have to implement all the 10 wish list in V3.
Just for your guide :)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.23 In reply to 3170.19 
Hi Danny, thanks very much for your (and everyone's) support, I really appreciate it!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.24 In reply to 3170.22 
Hi Anis,

> Interesting, Which area of the main UI you will
> improve in the next V3 ?

Initially I want to see how feasible it would be to switch the underlying UI platform off of mshtml.

> BWT, are you agree if MoI users create Top 10 Wish List ?
> From the top 10, you not have to implement all the 10 wish list in V3.
> Just for your guide :)

Certainly - there's actually already a wiki page for that located here:

That would be a good place to post your top 10 wish list items so that it is with the rest of the wish list stuff and won't get lost.

- Michael
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 From:  Anis
3170.25 In reply to 3170.24 

Can I create vote on the MoI Forum ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.26 In reply to 3170.25 
Hi Anis, you can create your own forum thread if you want - but I don't have any way for the forum to set up a vote page that takes user submitted data in it like entering your items or stuff like that.

But instead of putting it in a thread, again I suggest to use the wiki wishlist page ( to post your wishlist because that will keep them all in one spot rather than getting submerged into a forum topic where I won't be able to reference it again as easily.

- Michael
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 From:  neo
I second DannyT's notion, I couldn't have said it better.

>>>Initially I want to see how feasible it would be to switch the underlying UI platform off of mshtml.

Michael excuse my ignorance, but could you elaborate please, not sure what the goals are. (reducing the need for proprietary plug-ins/tools sounds great.) Are you considering an open cross platform friendly solution?

Just curious that's all.
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 From:  -ash-
3170.28 In reply to 3170.27 
Hi Michael,

As I configure my own interface by editing the HTML UI files, I am also interested in what this means. So would it still be HTML? Would I still be able to go in and create my own tabs with commands and icons?



(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  BurrMan
3170.29 In reply to 3170.28 
Uh oh...This statement has opened a hornets nest! :o
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.30 In reply to 3170.27 
Hi Neo,

> Michael excuse my ignorance, but could you elaborate
> please, not sure what the goals are. (reducing the need
> for proprietary plug-ins/tools sounds great.) Are you
> considering an open cross platform friendly solution?

Really it will just be a bunch of experiments, it may not amount to anything and it is not entirely clear so it is hard to elaborate at this point.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.31 In reply to 3170.28 
Hi Tony,

> So would it still be HTML?

I would hope so. If not it would still need to be something similarly controlled by a text file and editable.

> Would I still be able to go in and create my own
> tabs with commands and icons?

Yes, it's important for me to have this same kind of ability to manipulate the UI when I am creating new pieces of UI myself.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
3170.32 In reply to 3170.11 
> I will probably take at least a few weeks at the start to do some general UI experimentation though.

I see everyone seems to be going with the QT toolkit especially for the multi-platform support - is that something you're considering Michael?


I don't see Groups doing any more for me than the surfacing exports. So I'm straight without Groups for now.

I'm actually more excited about the 1-rail sweep being able to do proper corners and the other upcoming features you've mentioned!


PS - Okay I didn't see the bit about keeping HTML before I replied so that'll probably rule out Qt then...
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.33 In reply to 3170.32 
Hi Will, the mitered corners for 1-rail sweep is nearly done, here's a quick example:

- Michael

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.34 In reply to 3170.33 

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3170.35 In reply to 3170.34 
Hi Michael, that looks sweet!
Do the pieces end up as individual solids or is the resultant sweep a single solid?

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.36 In reply to 3170.35 
Hi Danny, the result for those cases is just one single solid, all finished up. Also history works to edit the curve and have the solid update to match.

The only part that is not completely finished at this moment is getting the trimming to work between rail segments that are curved instead of line segments.

I'm going to keep working at it here for a few more hours, and if it looks like it is going to take a couple more days to finish that part I will release a new beta without it and then still have another beta release when that part is done.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3170.37 In reply to 3170.36 
Another one:

It may not be feasible to have non-planar rails that have curved pieces in them, but you can have them for lines.

- Michael

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