Multi core support ?
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3166.17 In reply to 3166.15 
Hi Ola, actually I'm kind of confused about your last message here.

Earlier you wrote that the import took between 3-10 minutes, and that at export time, mesh generation took 1 minute, and saving to the file was nearly instantaneous.

So that adds up to about 11 minutes of time, but you also wrote that along with scaling and positioning it would take you between 15-60 minutes to complete each model.

That means that it is taking you nearly 50 minutes to do just the scaling and moving part, is that actually correct?

I had assumed that you were seeing some kind of long pause after each scale or move, which I thought could be related to undo unit generation with a very heavy model. But in your most recent message you mention that decreasing the display mesh generation helped to speed up that process - however the only thing that will actually speed up is the screen redraw, not undo unit generation.

So when you were talking about it taking you a long time to do the moving and scaling part, do you mean that it is just the screen redraw that is going too slow?

One thing to note is that your screen redraw is much more dependent on your video card than on the number of CPU cores you have - do you possibly have some kind of underpowered video card on your machine?

Anyway, if your dynamic screen redraw is a problem the steps that I described previously where you can do transforms by just typing in the scale factor with the keyboard rather than moving the mouse around should help out a lot to get things done with much fewer screen redraws during the process.

You may also want to hide edges (use the "Types" section in the Scene Browser as a way to do this quickly) which can also help to speed up the display a lot - in many cases drawing the edge curves of models is actually the most time consuming part.

But it is not entirely clear to me exactly what you are running into with the moving and scaling part, if you could possibly describe what you are seeing in a bit more detail that could possibly help.

- Michael

EDIT: I see now in your original message that you have an GeForce 8800GT card - that's certainly a good card and for normal uses should be really fine. But if you are working at a particularly high complexity level you may think about upgrading it to get better 3D display performance, I think that card is part of the GeForce 8 generation of cards, and as you can see at:, there are some newer generations since then... It is possible that a more up to date card could help you if your problem is mostly related to display speed with high density models.


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 From:  OlaHaldor
3166.18 In reply to 3166.17 
Yeah it's possibly the redrawing that makes it so time consuming. I'm really out of clues, so that's why I tested that one, since you had given me tips about that setting earlier.

I'm thinking of a GTX 285 for the Mac, but it's too expensive for what I can afford at the moment. If they only could have PC market pricing for such equipment.. :-)
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3166.19 In reply to 3166.18 
Hi Ola, so does setting the display mesh density to be coarser make it workable for you?

I'd suggest setting (under Options > View > Meshing parameters) Mesh angle to 25 degrees and unchecking "Add detail to inflections".

Then along with that hiding all edges also can be a big boost to screen redraw time.

If that speeds things up enough to be usable then you may not need to get a new video card, although when dealing with very heavy models you generally want to have as up to date hardware as you can.

- Michael
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 From:  OlaHaldor
3166.20 In reply to 3166.19 
Oh yes, it does a MAJOR difference in performance!
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 From:  WillBellJr
The Add Detail to Infections was always the killer for me - I always make sure that's turned off.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3166.22 In reply to 3166.21 
Hi Will,

> The Add Detail to Infections was always the killer for me -
> I always make sure that's turned off.

Also there was a bug in v1 where "Add detail to inflections" would mistakenly get really carried away and could over mesh things by a whole bunch.

That's fixed in v2 so it is not quite as bad, but it can still be a good idea to turn it off if you have a whole lot of stuff.

- Michael
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 From:  WillBellJr
3166.23 In reply to 3166.22 
Interesting, I'll give it another try Michael - thanks for the info.

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