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 From:  Jesse
316.7 In reply to 316.5 
Hi Paul,

Nice to see you here.

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 From:  TL (TERRY)
316.8 In reply to 316.2 
Loooks Great. Can't believe it.

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 From:  PaulKrush
316.9 In reply to 316.8 
It's a good 3DM model. Well, jewelry wise it could use more work.

It will be interesting to see how MOI develops. I would like to try it with a tablet.

I wish it did curves from text.

Paul Krush

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 From:  Jesse
316.10 In reply to 316.9 
Here's a ring created with a sweep. I call it "The Banana Ring".


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 From:  Michael Gibson
316.11 In reply to 316.10 
Looks fabulous!
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 From:  Jesse
316.12 In reply to 316.11 

Here's another take on it..I was having some fun mapping a screen shot of MoI in Flamingo.


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 From:  Michael Gibson
316.13 In reply to 316.12 
:) If only MoI could really extrude a ring like that from the screen....

- Michael
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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
Tropical indeed !
Added to the Special thread Gallery :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  TL (TERRY)
316.15 In reply to 316.14 
Banna ring is very interesting.
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Message 316.16 deleted 28 Jan 2007 by JESSE

 From:  Jesse
316.17 In reply to 316.13 
<<<If only MoI could really extrude a ring like that from the screen....>>>

Well, I'm just happy it can make one by sweeping some curves in just a few minutes.


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 From:  KL (KLPUGH)
316.18 In reply to 316.2 
Dear Ken,
I just stumbled onto this site. I am close to buying a cad program. I am down to Matrix and 3Design. This Moi software has to be used with a copy of Rhino I assume? I am running an intel Mac with a vmware emulator w/windows pro. I hope to talk to some folks in Tucson to help me decide. I am a master Goldsmith with 35 years experience, and no experience in cad. I have been under the impression that buying straight Rhino is too difficult for a novice like me to master. What do you think/
Kevin Pugh
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Hi to all.

After using RHINO for quite some time I find MOI is very simple program...I know RHINO potentials and I atomaticaly look for more tools.

Anyhow,it's a very good start and HUGE potentials in this.

Is there a posibility to use plugins with this program?
Lets say I don't know anything about RHINO,GIRRAFE & FLAMINGO and I'd like to achive same result in MOI. Is it possible?

I'd like to THANK Mikle for atomic effort he puts into it.

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
316.20 In reply to 316.19 
Added to the Special Thread Gallery :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  Crusoe the Painter (CRUSOE)
No, Moi is a standalone program, entirely seperate from Rhino. It uses the same file format, 3DM, since that work was opensourced as OpenNurbs.

Other than that, they are 2 seperate beasts.
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 From:  Ken (JWLRYMKR)
316.22 In reply to 316.18 

I have only been into cad/cam for a couple of years now. I started out with the small roland mdx-15 using their bundled software. I wasnt satisfied with Rolands "3d" software and so, about 7 months ago, I purchased Rhino Flamingo, and Techgems. I also bought a new minitech 4axis mill. I can't be more pleased in my decision now. I was daunted at first, but after a couple of weeks of studying all the tutorials I could get my hands on, things began to click. I seriously considered Matrix and have quite a bit of experience with ArtCam.
My understanding is that Matrix is basically rhino with many plugins added that are jewelry specific. I figured if I could learn rhino, then matrix would become unnecessary. Thats why I opted for Rhino/Techgems instead. I saved myself about $5000.00
Once you get over the initial learning curve, things will get much easier. I highly recommend anything Jesse Kaufmann offers as well as Keith at He has some free tutorials that are jewelry specific. Once you work through these, I would recommend the advanced or monthly tutorials. Both of these guys are what I would consider Guru's in jewelry designing. Also, Frenchy Pilou has a nice website with links that are very helpful. Even the tutorials that are not jewelry specific are very helpful.
Once you tackle the basics of Rhino, then Moi is a breeze! Michael has done an outstanding job making the interface very user friendly and easy to use.
Are you planning on milling your own designs or sending them out to a service bureau?
If I can be of any assistance, feel free to email me at



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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
316.23 In reply to 316.22 
>Pilou has a nice website with links
Which one especialy? :)
Because I have not real "Web site", just few "galleries" and yes some links but inside few "Forum"
If you want specific link tell me I have someone in my bag :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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316.24 In reply to 316.21 
I'd like to see this program I've noticed all functions are extimly simmular to RHINO...even these two programs have nothing to do this each other.
I'm looking forward to import bitmaps and other usefull functions.

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 From:  Michael Gibson
316.25 In reply to 316.24 
Hi Alex, thanks! I'm glad you like MoI!

Alex wrote:
> Is there a posibility to use plugins with this program?

No, not currently. I do expect to add this in at some point in the future, but it probably won't be for a little while. I want to really nail down the basic functions of the program first before worrying about plugins.

Alex also wrote:
> I'm looking forward to import bitmaps and other usefull functions.

Make sure to check out the most recent beta - it can import bitmaps now! This is available under View/Image, starting in the Jan-18-2007 beta.

- Michael
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 From:  motorsep
316.26 In reply to 316.25 
Question to jewelry designers :)
Are there any tutorials about jewelry design? Can you give any tips on it please?
I am designer myself and I am going to start designing jewelry and accessories using Moi3D, but I really would like to know specifics of it, some technical details maybe and would like to know about workflow/pipleline (from design to manufacturing).
Thanks in advance.
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