Hi Brian,
> Carrara works very well with many of the file types exported by MoI, including 3dm
> Certainly it is good value and easy to learn but it comes with so much "built in" operations that other high priced apps often charge huge plugin money for.
I have Carrara Pro 6.2 which I got free from 3DArtist Magazine. It's OK and I like to have lots of options for file conversion etc.,
but I think that for most people, myself included, we tend to judge/compare software with what we know and are used to, so for
me Carrara is just not a good fit. In what I have learned by researching 3D programs available out there, I think Modo has the
most to offer for my requirements. But thanks for the suggestion!!
Hi Michael,
> So it looks like OBJ will not work for preserving hierarchies into trueSpace (and probably other programs also).
Yeah it looks that way, still in most regards OBJ export allows me to get the data across and the rest is just optimizing my set-up
to make working in my poly prog. as painless as possible.
I did some testing with Right Hemisphere Deep View, (an excellent free utility), to see some results of Moi's different exports.
Now I realize these results are dependent on Deep View's import parser but interesting anyway. You can view the scene tree or
a parts list, (which seems to relate to the Object settings in Moi.) I won't list all my result but FBX was interesting in that the parts
were arranged as instances.
> File formats tend to be a finicky area of work, some programs are pretty sensitive to a variety of factors.
> It's just not such a great area to tinker with to a very large degree right near the end of a beta period, just too much possibility of problems being introduced.
As I said I wanted this more as a discussion, to pick your brain, not to try and squeeze more things into Ver. 2. :)
Thanks for the script, and your patience!! :)