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 From:  Mark Brown (MABROWN)
3096.3 In reply to 3096.1 
Nice work Will. I wouldn't mind a box of those handles myself!


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 From:  -ash-
3096.4 In reply to 3096.1 
Hi wzhang,

Yes, MoI is really great and, as Michael said, a LOT of new stuff in version 2 that makes it even better :-)


(aka HamSoles)

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 From:  wzhang
3096.5 In reply to 3096.4 
Thanks guys.

I'm really looking forward to working more with MoI and already got the OK from my boss to purchase it. Can't wait to use some of the features in V2.
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 From:  WillBellJr
My wife would love those for our new cabinets also - love the render!

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 From:  wzhang
3096.7 In reply to 3096.6 
I'm still loving Moi, got my boss to buy it for me and I have been using it as a stepping stone for getting Ai files into Solidworks. I have also been modeling with it. I recently completed a thumbturn design, attached are some of the rejects. These were really fun to model though.

Hopefully that ribbed pull will get produced before next year!

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 From:  Michael Gibson
3096.8 In reply to 3096.7 
Hi Will, I'm glad you're having fun with MoI and making use of it alongside SolidWorks!

> Hopefully that ribbed pull will get produced before next year!

Do you have an example of how that is supposed to work?

Is a ribbed pull something different from support ribs?

Right now I'd think that things like ribs and fasteners would be better off to be placed in a parametric solid modeler like SW or whatever, instead of directly modeled inside of MoI.

- Michael
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 From:  wzhang
3096.9 In reply to 3096.8 
Hi Michael, by "ribbed" I guess I was referring to the design detail of the design in the first post. As it has lots of ribs on it. Sorry for the confusion, they could be called bumps or humps too :).

I agree about the fasteners, I let our mechanical engineers handle all of that very important stuff in SW.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3096.10 In reply to 3096.9 
Hi Will I see - but how would you expect a specialized command to create that stuff to work? It's hard to make a specialized command for something that is not easily controlled by specific parameters...

How did you create that ribbed type design in the first post, was it by having several sweeps that were then booleaned together?

It could possibly be easier if you built the ribbing into the profile curves more directly so that the sweep generated the final shape right off the bat, see this previous post for an example:

- Michael
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 From:  wzhang
A little update, I added a knob to the collection and made a 3d print of it.

My only complaint about Moi has to do with the fact that I haven't upgraded yet! I continue to use Moi at my work, it is such a handy tool, I'll probably be upgrading really soon!

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Message 3096.12 deleted 15 Jul 2010 by MICHAEL GIBSON

 From:  Michael Gibson
3096.13 In reply to 3096.11 
Hi Will, I'm glad that you're finding MoI useful at your work.

The 3D prints turned out great!

- Michael
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