Instant hide
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3092.2 In reply to 3092.1 
Hi Danny, well most of MoI is set up with the idea that you select what you want before you run some command to modify things.

That kind of "Noun, Verb" ordering just tends to be the overall most common method with a wide variety of regular desktop software.

For example in a word processor you don't click on "Bold" first and then go select the text you want to make bold, you first select text and then click "Bold". MoI is set up in the same way with the regular hide function, it is intended that you select whatever you want to hide first, and then click on Edit/Hide to hide them.

I think it would be possible to make a custom command that works like you are asking though, I'll take a look. Maybe I can call it "WeirdBackwardsHide"... :)

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3092.3 In reply to 3092.1 
Hi Danny, attached here is a custom command that will do that kind of hiding.

Unzip to get the 2 files HideClicked.htm and HideClick.js and copy those into the \commands subfolder underneath MoI's main installation folder.

Then you can set up a keyboard shortcut with HideClicked as the command name.

When you launch it, it will prompt: "Click on object to hide", and as you click on something it will hide immediately after the click.

Right-click or push "Done" or press Enter or Escape to exit the command.

- Michael

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
3092.4 In reply to 3092.3 
Thanks Michael!
Perfect, what was that !? A five minute bit of code? It's amazing how you do that.

It's great for large assemblies where you've got that many things named that you've forgotten the name of some and the object you want to look at is buried behind a few other objects with this command you can hide things out of the way quickly, it's like a CAD shovel :)

BTW I've renamed the command as 'WeirdBackwardsHide' :)

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
So it must be easy to adapt all Moi functions on a vocal command system?
I think of that for all all people who can't use hands
Is beautiful that please without concept!
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3092.6 In reply to 3092.5 
Hi Pilou,

> So it must be easy to adapt all Moi functions on a
> vocal command system?

I don't really know much about that...

But my guess is that you could set up a voice recognition system that could control MoI by having voice commands translate into shortcut keystrokes. Then just set up shortcut keys for each command as needed.

Let me know how it works if you give it a try!

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3092.7 In reply to 3092.4 
Hi Danny, I'm glad that will work for you! :)

> Perfect, what was that !? A five minute bit of code?
> It's amazing how you do that.

Yeah as you can see by looking at the files there, there actually isn't very much code involved...

This is one of the benefits of having all the regular commands in MoI set up as scripts. That makes the infrastructure all available for doing custom things like this as needed.

- Michael
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