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 From:  Michael Gibson
3084.6 In reply to 3084.5 
Oops, I think ycarry above has the best advice.

I didn't read that "They're pencil sketches" closely enough - does that mean that those sketches were scanned in and are bitmap data?

MoI will only read vector curve data (things like lines, circles, drawing objects) out of AI or PDF files, not bitmaps.

To bring in a bitmap you need to put it in an image format like PNG and then use the View / Image command to bring it in as a background bitmap.

The File/Open and File/Import commands only deal with bringing in structured vector drawing objects like lines and curves, not bitmap/pixel data.

- Michael
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 From:  Gregarious2 (GREGGARRISS)
3084.7 In reply to 3084.6 
Many thanks for your advice!!!

Yes, they're bitmapped scans that I convert to pdf via Adobe Distiller. I'll give it a try tonight when I get back..

We're currently trying to reproduce some ancient engravings from some 100 year old pics. Sketching works
better than scanning the images but then we scan to import to MOI. Awkward but so far it works.

Step two is CNC.

Thanks again!!
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