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 From:  Michael Gibson
3066.12 In reply to 3066.6 
Hi andras in the attached file you can also see a big difference between a Network in MoI and a NetworkSrf in Rhino due to the different algorithms for corner handling.

So yes, in some things there are fairly different ways of processing things.

- Michael

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 From:  BurrMan
3066.13 In reply to 3066.11 
Yes Michael that was it. I have since found in that other package that if I extract the edges of the solids then measure those, they are exact! There were also some other methods to measure that produced the results I was looking for. The "Entity summary" value was showing the bounds data included. When it really came down to it, the MoI models were exact. I was less informed about what i was looking at and you helped me to understand.
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 From:  andras
> So, no mix?!

>Why do you say this? You can still mix together the results. After things have been calculated they are just all surfaces and you can >move the surfaces back and forth between the programs.

I mean for example of using Network command.
It is only an assumption(!)

Well, in that case If there is an existing surface in the project.(Such as 100 pieces of column on the facade) The surfece's seam curves are fix. And the college ask me to modify the existing surface with some Boolean (or any) but I will receive only the initial curves (formerly the college mentioned that the surface was produced by Network command and me as well make the surface by Moi network tool). In this case I have to know the difference of the two software. And this method is not allowed(!) because I must to ask the whole existing surface not only the curves. Because in the further period we can get many unfitted surface. OK, If we work with metres and there is some milimiter differents is not so big problem but we have to strive accurate results. I say again it does not mean problem but we have to consider it.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
3066.15 In reply to 3066.14 
Hi andras, well just because you get surfaces with not the exact same control points in them does not mean that they are not both accurate to within a proper tolerance value.

Like I mentioned, just differences in the way fitting works can produce different numbers or arrangements of control points even though the distance in the actual results are both within the same tolerance level.

And the college ask me to modify the existing surface with some Boolean (or any) but I will receive only the initial curves (formerly the college mentioned that the surface was produced by Network command and me as well make the surface by Moi network tool).

This would seem to be strange to me that they would ask you to modify the surface but not actually include the surface! :)

At any rate, if you are going to be working closely on a project with someone else who is using Rhino, you will probably also want to also have Rhino and you will then have the choice of doing any particular operation that you want either in MoI or Rhino depending on what you need.

There is one thing in MoI's network that I do need to tune up though - currently Network in MoI is refit to a somewhat looser tolerance of only 0.01 units rather than the usual 0.001 units, that's to get a lighter surface without too dense of control points. I do plan on improving this in the future so that the outer edges will get fit to a 0.001 tolerance and only the interior ones will be lighter.

- Michael
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 From:  andras
3066.16 In reply to 3066.15 
OK, I see.
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