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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2989.22 In reply to 2989.21 
Hi Michael,

> I guess that kind of leads me to wonder why
> it is set up with a special popup menu for
> switching to different views if they are
> not used very often?

I might of indicated that the popup is for the views, in actual fact I've got mine set up for different shading views, wire, shaded with hidden lines....etc. they can be changed to what ever you want, I was just trying to convey the action to be used in MoI for the views.

> That's so undiscoverable - it seems unlikely
> that anyone would ever figure that out without training.

mmm....I can't remember how I knew that, maybe in the documentation which nobody reads :) also I think most 'high end' 3d CAD packages utilise these buttons in the same manner.

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 From:  WillBellJr
That's the first time I've ever heard of having to hold down the middle and right buttons for something!

I couldn't even do that on my wacom - the right click is set to the stylus button closest to the tip and the middle is set to the top button... :-P

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 From:  tyglik
2989.24 In reply to 2989.17 
> I've been a little hesitant to rely on that action too much since
> it can be slightly odd to "hold still" when you are actually trying
> to do things quickly.

With TabletPC you can set "hold it down for a second" action as a synonym to right-click and it is very useful to me. Actually, this is also why I had asked and Michael added an alternate method to pop up cline menu - you can press and hold down on the marker for a moment or right-click the marker to pop up the construction line menu.

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