Button tufted modeling
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 From:  BurrMan
2983.18 In reply to 2983.17 
Hi Danny,
Yeah it's shot.. A good exercise in learning it's in's and outs.

The first one is suade, though it can be better looking. I had to change the texture mapping to planar, because the UV's of the surfaces need to be remapped to work right with the Shot textures, but it definatley changed the look from the intention.. I think I will have to learn UV texture mapping to get the results I want from it. I am working on different exporting options to see if there is a way around it...

Thanks though....
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 From:  SteveMacc (STEVEH)
For UV mapping this it might be easier to split the solid into surfaces before you export it. Then in the poly app you can deal with UV mapping each surface separately.
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