File Changes Indicator
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2957.4 In reply to 2957.3 
Hi Malcolm, I've added the asterisk marker in the name for changed files for the next v2 beta.

So the filename in the upper right area of the window will show as filename.3dm* when it has been changed, and switch to filename.3dm with no asterisk after you save.

- Michael
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 From:  medi (MALD)
2957.5 In reply to 2957.4 
Thanks Michael - you're a fast worker!!

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 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
2957.6 In reply to 2957.4 
Nice little indicator there, Michael.
Others I've seen eg. NX use (!) at the end of the file name.
These indicators are a nice reminder to hit Ctrl+S when on a time consuming project.

Well suggested Malcolm!

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
What is the difference with * and the the Alert message when quit the program?
"The file has changed" Save, Discard change, Cancel
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2957.8 In reply to 2957.7 
Hi Pilou,

> What is the difference with * and the the Alert message
> when quit the program?
> "The file has changed" Save, Discard change, Cancel

They are similar, however the * gives you a very quick way to see if your file has been saved or not just by looking at the corner of the screen.

The "This file has changed" dialog only shows up if you try to exit the program or try to open another file.

- Michael
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