Better suited gallery
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2949.13 In reply to 2949.9 
At some point I'm probably going to separate the gallery out into a few different categories like "Industrial design", "Jewelry", "Vehicles", etc...

Probably at that point some of the most refined entries will get placed at the top of their categories.

But even at that point, I still want to have a section that holds just all new entries.

I actually view it as a positive thing that there are a wide variety of skill levels represented in the gallery - having less advanced stuff in the gallery helps to showcase that you can get stuff done with MoI even if you are not an expert. Being easy to use and friendly to beginners is one of the cool aspects about MoI in general.

Then also having advanced and more refined things in the gallery helps to show that it is not limited to only be of use to beginners as well.

Just like there is a spectrum of people using MoI, it is nice to have a spectrum of stuff in the gallery.

- Michael
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2949.14 In reply to 2949.13 
Also it's not even necessarily about "Novice" and "Advanced"...

One of the ideas behind MoI is to try and make it really quick and easy to get simple models done...

So it's kind of nice to have that aspect displayed in the gallery as well, with some simple things in there which help to show what you can do in just a few minutes.

Just because someone is an advanced user does not really mean that they never need to do any simple models!

- Michael
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 From:  BurrMan
2949.15 In reply to 2949.14 
>>>>One of the ideas behind MoI is to try and make it really quick and easy to get simple models done...>>>

Remembering the sketchup showdown! MoI with a solid defeat! :O
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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
O.K., O.K, I digress. It makes no sense to drag this thread on as things tend to get missinterpreted and/or taken out of context. Which is of course the natural way of any internet forum where people aren't on a personal level (ie. face to face). response to the pumpkin model. I assume you're trying to convey the idea of complexity in simplicity. Meaning, some of the hardest things to model, are objects that "seem" very simple. But even these are made very easy with MOI. But, that wasn't the point of this topic.
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 From:  BurrMan
2949.17 In reply to 2949.16 
Hi Tree,
Actually my intent on the last two contributions I've made to the gallery is that they ARE MoI model screen captures! No contributions have come in latley that reflect MoI's new lighting and styles, so I posted a couple.

I made a lizard with a 3 minute scene render, and referenced that the lizard was made in the forum in direct relation to a thread. (In retrospect, I should have posted the link to the thread where one can see the model if one wants). I thought it could interest someone new to look further into MoI. Just do a forum search for "Lizard".

I guess where the thread goes though is that there are all kinds of people in the world, and the fact that Michael lets ME post a pumpkin, I think is a very powerful statement.

I took exception to the inference that this be limited in some way.

But it's not personal, and I look forward to participating with you in the forum more. :O

Talk later,

EDITED: 28 Sep 2009 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
It's all good. We're here to learn and see all the things that the MOI community has to offer. I'm loving it already.

I'm also looking forward to sharing my stuff. Hopefully I can put up my first few pieces soon.
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 From:  Tree (TREELOY)
btw BurrMan,

you happen to have a link to that sketchup / MOI showdown? I would like to read/see that.

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 From:  BurrMan
2949.20 In reply to 2949.19 
Here i what I think was the final straw. You'll have to browse a long thread to get the jist of it.

Just did a quick review myself and think PAQ came in later with 20 seconds! quite amazing.

EDITED: 28 Sep 2009 by BURRMAN

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 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
yes and I can't make less 40 second with Sketchy ;)
PaQ Winner :)
Is beautiful that please without concept!
My Gallery
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 From:  BurrMan
2949.22 In reply to 2949.21 
I just noticed this:

Is that YOU looking at the camera PAQ?

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN

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