Will Moi3D continue to be a pet project? Closed
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 From:  jbshorty
2943.53 In reply to 2943.48 
neo wrote: "here is an example of how Rhino's GUI look on a Ribbon UI"

BLECHHH!!!! I don't like the ribbon idea. McNeel actually did show a prototype of Rhino on the ribbon at Sigg 2007, and a bunch of people responded with a big resounding "NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!". But i got the feeling that the ribbon will not be the end result of what they're doing. If it is, I'll happily stick with using my hotkeys and popup menu scripts and I'll hide the stupid ribbon... Grasshopper uses the ribbon too, but I don't mind it so much there as i have when using other software (such as Spaceclaim) because GH ribbon icons are quite small. But the Grasshopper viewport uses vector graphics for it's node components so it remains very scalable. I'm hoping to see the same kind of UI scalability as found in MoI...
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 From:  OSTexo

Just because you want a Mac version of something doesn't make it practical or responsible from a financial or time angle, especially in the current situation we are discussing. I doubt TSS has the budget or manpower of the companies you mentioned. To call my statement "crazy" shows your lack of understanding of the market in general, and business rules in particular.

My suggestion is to buy Parallels, a legitimate copy of Windows and MoI and enjoy.
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 From:  BurrMan
2943.55 In reply to 2943.54 
>>>>I wonder why Adobe, Autodesk, Mcneel and even Microsoft (office) see the point in supporting something other that the dominant OS!. >>>

These companies, with multi million dollar budgets, lose HUGE money doing this! These are some of the reasons that these mega corps go belly up. Can you imagine a company with 100's of millions of dollars in annual revenue failing?? Hahaha.

It should be a business decision, not political.
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 From:  olio
2943.56 In reply to 2943.54 
Well for the record mate, I only stated that not being able to make a mac version as one of the reasons why it may be a poor decision to stay as the only developer...

I have no real interest in Moi becoming a Mac application, although I think it would be a success on that platform. The lack of resources implied, when giving reasons for Moi to stay a one man company isn't exactly encouraging, it isn't like Moi3d is booming on windows is it? So if people are comfortable with a small niche product that is tied to a one particular OS, with a few hundred user, then fine. Lets hope Michael continues his pet project....
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 From:  olio
2943.57 In reply to 2943.55 
"These companies, with multi million dollar budgets, lose HUGE money doing this!"

What? are you kidding?, are they making a mac version of their products from the goodness of their hearts then?, give me a break!

In these days, it's a poor judgment not making a program cross platform, especially a program geared towards designers and artists...IMHO
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 From:  BurrMan
2943.58 In reply to 2943.56 
>>>>it isn't like Moi3d is booming on windows is it? So if people are comfortable with a small niche product that is tied to a one particular OS, with a few hundred user, then fine.>>>

A gross underestimation!!! With no vision of what MoI is under the hood?
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 From:  BurrMan
2943.59 In reply to 2943.57 
>>>What? are you kidding?, are they making a mac version of their products from the goodness of their hearts then?>>>

Actually, it is when these companies get so large the decisions become "political", not responsible.

It's actually a "Classic Scenario" that it not new in any way. This is fundamental to this thread and its point.


The Mac is a "failed product". They abandoned there original product concept and moved to the same platform as "WINDOWS" and now is basically an "Application" running on UNIX. THe only reason they are still in business today is not because of the mac, but the IPOD, and the Govt' crushing of Napster.
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 From:  OSTexo

Uh, yes, BurrMan is correct on the software revenue front. Thankfully, companies are realizing that supporting these niche platforms link Mac OS are poor financial decisions. Since Mac users can boot Windows there is absolutely no motivation for any developer to provide Mac support. Consider it just another Mac "tax".

This much is clear olio, IMO you have very little grasp of business rules, you have little experience with market realities, and I would venture to say you have never owned a business in your life. What is unclear to me is what your objective is here? I would hope you have something positive to contribute, rather than knocking an excellent piece of software.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2943.61 In reply to 2943.60 
Let's try not to turn this into a Mac flame war thread please.

There have actually been quite a large number of requests for a Mac MoI version - my general sense from the level of e-mail requests and such is that there would be a big enough marketplace to sustain a Mac version.

So I really wish that I could do one!

But the time and work investment involved is just too much for me - also I just do not personally have a background or any experience in Mac development so it would take a pretty substantial amount of time just to learn about it.

So it is just not feasible to do from a resources or amount of time involved type standpoint for my particular situation.

Olio - I'm not sure why you think having a niche product is such a bad thing. I have no problem with MoI being a kind of finely crafted "boutique" product that works really well for a somewhat smaller user base rather than selling a million copies.

I've done the "million copies" thing before when I was at Microsoft, and it's not really a specific goal of mine anymore, it tends to be rather cold and impersonal. It can be a lot more rewarding to connect with a somewhat smaller (not too small though! :) user base where I can be more involved with users and enable them to do some cool things.

Things are not set in stone though, it's not that I am 100% opposed to growing MoI in size and scope, but at the same time it is not some intense overriding goal which you seem to think it should be.

One of my #1 goals for producing MoI is to have fun doing a cool product.

- Michael
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 From:  olio
2943.62 In reply to 2943.61 
Thanks Michael for stepping in.

Burrman:) common the mac a failed product because they changed their processor type or? I dont understand people who can have such hate against a company, that you clearly state or is it somethibg against me because you think i am a mac fanboy;)

and to the other guy, do i need to have degree in Business to state my thoughts here, mayby you can enlighten me with your overwhelming knowledge and experience, only thing you have showed are better english languge skills than have and can therefor be more articulate.

I love moi, i asked this question because of my concern that moi is not making progress but Michael have Made things clear, and i respect that

i am unclear about is why you attack me peesonaly and my knowledge of business, but i think that daga more abou you than me
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 From:  BurrMan
2943.63 In reply to 2943.62 
>>>common the mac a failed product because they changed their processor type or? I dont understand people who can have such hate against a company, that you clearly state or is it somethibg against me because you think i am a mac fanboy;)>>>

I dont have something against you. I appreciate your input here and hope we can continue. Thanks for being a part of the forum for my benefit also.

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 From:  OSTexo
2943.64 In reply to 2943.62 

No you don't have to have a degree, they are mostly overrated IMO anyway. I was stating that you probably wouldn't be making these statements if you had any real world experience in such a thing, or solid evidence to back such a view.

If someone says my statements are "crazy" (your words) be ready to back up such a statement, usually with one of the two ways described above. Instead of countering with a shred of evidence or personal experience in such a thing you say you are being attacked personally, which is so far from the truth it is laughable. As I expected, you didn't have a problem with the statements I made (since you produced no countering information), just the "way" I said them. Next time you might think twice before you say someones statements are "crazy" without any backup and treat people with a little more courtesy. Over and out.
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 From:  Michael Gibson
2943.65 In reply to 2943.64 
Ok guys, I think this is probably a good place to close this thread off for further replies just to avoid long drawn out arguments.

- Michael
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